[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Inclusive container management in ArchivesSpace

Bowers, Kate A. kate_bowers at harvard.edu
Thu Sep 5 14:29:20 EDT 2019

Here at the Harvard University Archives (HUA), we are interested to know how our colleagues are managing special collections inventory.

We are hoping to find colleagues who, like us, manage physical inventory of books as well as archival holdings. At HUA we have a long history of storing rare publications and archival holdings together.

We use Alma and ArchivesSpace for description, Aeon for patron fulfillment, and a local database to manage physical inventory (boxes, volumes, locations, etc.)

Is anyone else managing book and archival physical storage in a single system? If so, which tools are you using? Do they meet your needs? Have you achieved integrations between systems?

We are eager to hear from you!

Kate Bowers and Robin McElheny, Harvard University Archives

Kate Bowers
Collections Services Archivist for Metadata, Systems, and Standards
Harvard University Archives
kate_bowers at harvard.edu
<mailto:megan_sniffin-marinoff at harvard.edu>
voice: (617) 998-5238
fax: (617) 495-8011
web: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.eresource:archives
Twitter: @k8_bowers

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