[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Extent calculations in cubic feet

Jessica Steytler jasteytler at minlib.net
Tue Aug 30 15:43:32 EDT 2022

I was struggling with the cubic vs linear at my newer job-- that I'd
been using cubic at the old place. I did the calculation and then put
in the total with the cubic designation, which we set as the default.
All this was BEFORE there was an extent calculator, so I do not have
any data whatsoever with that tool in the mix.
Then when I moved to a new place where I had to start from scratch for
ASpace and was head-down planning on cubic... but have been waffling
big time on it, as we don't have a huge collection and unlikely to
have off-site storage, etc etc.  But cubic vs linear's been a thing
that's been on my radar. I'll be interested to see what conversation
might pop on this. I just don't have any lived experience when it
comes to extent calculator.

Jessica Steytler | she/her
Reference - Special Collections
Public Library of Brookline

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