[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Tufts University Digital Collections and Archives RFP for CUID-generating plug-in

Pruitt, Adrienne Adrienne.Pruitt at tufts.edu
Wed Jan 16 10:32:59 EST 2019

Hello, all,

Tufts DCA is looking for an independent contractor familiar with ArchivesSpace to create a plug-in to auto-generate component unique identifiers at the archival object level. The request for proposals is attached. Please submit a proposal by January 31, 2019 if interested.

If you have any questions, please email me and I'll be happy to get in touch and discuss it further. Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Adrienne Pruitt | Collections Management Archivist
Digital Collections and Archives
Tufts University
adrienne.pruitt at tufts.edu<mailto:adrienne.pruitt at tufts.edu> |617-627-0957

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