[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Video Length Metadata

Carole Prietto cap166 at georgetown.edu
Thu Apr 4 13:20:25 EDT 2019

When I look at the dropdown menu for Extent, audiocassette and reel are
among the choices.  Is is possible to add options for the different
audio/video formats you have?
"Reel" seems much too generic for all the different audio and video formats
that are out there. I would prefer to specify the exact format: Audio CD or
VHS or 3/4" U-Matic or Mini-DV cassette or what have you.

Very interested in others' take on this, as we are planning for a finding
aid for a very large AV collection with many formats represented.

Carole Prietto, MLIS, CA | Law Center Archivist
GEORGETOWN LAW | cap166 at georgetown.edu
Edward Bennett Williams Law Library
111 G. St. NW | Washington, D.C. 20001-2015
Office: 202.662.9149 | Fax: 202.662.9911

On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 1:06 PM Hilary Clifford <
Hilary.Clifford at aidshealth.org> wrote:

> Good morning (or afternoon, depending on where you are),
> I was wondering if anyone else came across this issue:
> In our collection we have many videos where the length of time of the
> video is important information. However, there is no field to add the
> length of the videos in ArchivesSpace. Extent wouldn’t work, as it is the
> physical size of the collection (in boxes or gigabytes etc) whereas I’m
> looking to have the length of time for the individual videos.
> How are other archives handling this type of metadata?
> Thanks so much!
> Hilary Clifford
> AIDS Healthcare Foundation
> Senior Program Manager of Archives
> Public Health Division
> 1710 N La Brea Ave
> Los Angeles, CA 90046
> 323-436-8900 ext. 5844
> Cell: 323-219-8613
> [image:
> /Users/archive/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Outlook/Data/Library/Caches/Signatures/signature_1607367186]
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