[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Issue with importing EAD into ArchivesSpace: <unittitle> elements with ID attributes

Suszczynski, Jeffrey jsuszczynski at library.rochester.edu
Mon Sep 10 18:34:20 EDT 2018

Thank you to all who responded – it’s much appreciated, and I now have a few new options to think about and potentially try.  I’ll post back to the listserv in the coming days after I’ve talked with some of my colleagues here at the UR and we’ve tested one or more of the suggested solutions.

Thanks again more making this such a fruitful post!

Jeff Suszczynski
Web Developer, River Campus Libraries
University of Rochester

From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org <archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> On Behalf Of Majewski, Steven Dennis (sdm7g)
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 3:54 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org>
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Issue with importing EAD into ArchivesSpace: <unittitle> elements with ID attributes

You might also consider using component <unitid> instead of unittitle/@id’s.

A while ago, I added capability on EAD import/export to handle multiple <unitid>’s so that we could like to components in other internal systems. If they have a @type attribute, they will be mapped to external id’s in ArchivesSpace.

So for example, this EAD fragment:

<c02 level="item">
                  <unitid audience="internal">00704001</unitid>
                  <unittitle>Letter from Henry Rose Carter to Emma Coleman Carter<unitdate normal="1883-12-17">December 17, 1883</unitdate>
                  <unitid type="uva-lib" audience="internal">uva-lib:2222445</unitid>
                  <container type="box" label="Box" id="d1e24295">7</container>
                  <!--did/container: @type=box-folder split  7:4...-->
                  <container type="folder" label="folder" parent="d1e24295">4</container>
                     <extent>6 pages</extent>
                     <language langcode="eng">English</language>
                     <persname source="lcnaf" role="creator" normal="Carter, Henry Rose, 1852-1925">Carter, Henry Rose, 1852-1925</persname>

                                <!--ead-id: d1e2f348-->
                <!--ead-id-cache: viuh00010/d1e2/d1e2f348-->
                <!--level: item-->
                <!--pid: uva-lib:2222445-->
                        Carter provides family news and describes Christmas celebrations.
                <dao xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:type="simple"
                       xlink:title="Carter provides family news and describes Christmas celebrations."
                     <daodesc xmlns:ead="urn:isbn:1-931666-22-9" audience="internal">
                        <p>Carter provides family news and describes Christmas celebrations.</p>
                  <unitid audience="internal" type="tracksys-component">http://tracksys.lib.virginia.edu/admin/components/500473</unitid>
                  <p>Carter provides family news and describes Christmas celebrations.</p>
               <controlaccess audience="external">
                  <subject encodinganalog="650" source="lcsh">Interpersonal relations</subject>
                  <subject encodinganalog="650" source="lcsh">Social history</subject>
                  <subject encodinganalog="650" source="lcsh">Yellow fever</subject>
                  <genreform encodinganalog="655" source="aat">letters (correspondence)</genreform>

maps to:

[cid:image001.png at 01D44934.DB2CF270]

On Sep 10, 2018, at 2:53 PM, Suszczynski, Jeffrey <jsuszczynski at library.rochester.edu<mailto:jsuszczynski at library.rochester.edu>> wrote:

Hello, all –

I’ve searched through the listserv archives and didn’t find anything directly related to the issue I am about to describe; apologies in advance if I’ve missed something and this topic has already been discussed.

At the University of Rochester, we have some finding aids that I’ve programmatically exported from ArchivesSpace, then modified, adding the attribute ‘ID’ to our <unittitle> elements so that we can use unique identifiers as a means of linking from our finding aids to digital objects in our instance of Islandora…

From everything that I can see, this ID attribute for <unittitle> is valid EAD, and the XML does, in fact, validate in oXygen when I test.  However, when I import the finding aid into ArchivesSpace using either the API or the web admin interface of ArchivesSpace, the EAD imports but the ID attributes are stripped out.  I discovered this when later exporting the finding aid (either via the web admin interface or the API) – all of the <unittitle> elements were intact, but no longer had ID attributes… I’ve tried several tactics in attempts to preserve those ID attributes, thus far to no avail.

Is there a configuration tweak or workaround that anyone is using to accomplish something similar?  It seems strange that ArchivesSpace would silently remove valid EAD attributes upon import, so hopefully this is something with an obvious solution that I’ve overlooked somehow.

Many thanks in advance for any ideas you may have!


Jeff Suszczynski
Web Developer, River Campus Libraries
University of Rochester

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