[Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace Update - June 2016

Jordon Steele jsteele at jhu.edu
Mon Jun 6 13:51:51 EDT 2016

Thanks for the update, Christine. I'm wondering what the status is on hiring a full-time developer to replace Chris Fitzpatrick? I don't see a reference to that in the report.



Jordon Steele
Hodson Curator of the University Archives
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218

From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org [mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org] On Behalf Of Christine Di Bella
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 2:21 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group; Archivesspace Member Reps; archivesspace_tac_uac at lyralists.lyrasis.org; archivesspace_bot_members at lyralists.lyrasis.org
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace Update - June 2016

[ArchivesSpace Logo5.png]

June 2016 Update

ArchivesSpace monthly updates provide news about ArchivesSpace community and program activities and are sent to our member listservs, the ArchivesSpace Google Group, and SAA's Collection Management Tools roundtable listserv, as well as being posted on the ArchivesSpace website. Please feel free to share this update with people you know who have an interest in ArchivesSpace but may not be on one of these lists.

Member Forum 2016

Online registration has opened for the 2016 Member Forum, which will take place at the Robert W. Woodruff Library at Atlanta University Center. Information on the program is online at https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ADC/ArchivesSpace+Member+Forum+2016 and registration is at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/archivesspace-member-forum-2016-tickets-23188792302<http://www.eventbrite.com/e/archivesspace-member-forum-2016-tickets-23188792302?aff=utm_source%3Deb_email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3Dnew_event_email&utm_term=eventurl_text>. This free event is open to all staff from ArchivesSpace member institutions. We hope to see many of you there!

(Space is limited in the morning workshops, so please register early if you want one of these spots.)


Thanks to everyone who has tested the release candidate for the 1.5.0 release of ArchivesSpace. We've received testing data from approximately 70 institutions at this point and are pleased that the testing reports we have received have been positive in respect to the processes for upgrading to the 1.5.0 schema and converting to the new container data model.  People have been able to convert their container data successfully or, when necessary, to locate and interpret the error reports generated during the conversion to improve the success rate of further attempts.  We are still waiting to hear from a few organizations testing the update/conversion before we schedule the release of v1.5.0.

Due to this timing, v1.5.0 will also include new enhancements to the location module that have been recently implemented by Hudson Molonglo and were funded by New York University (the original announcement of the project is available at http://lyralists.lyrasis.org/pipermail/archivesspace_users_group/2016-January/003027.html and the final version of the specification is attached to this message). NYU recently completed its acceptance testing and the code is ready to be merged into the core code of ArchivesSpace.  This is fortunate as the enhancements to the locations module complement those made already to container management and include a location profile, a calculator for determining empty space in a repository storage area, and holdings reports. Watch for the announcement of a new release candidate, and a follow-up announcement of a webinar introducing the new features, very soon.

Finally, enhancements to the public interface have continued during May and into June.  The pace of these enhancements will increase shortly, as Harvard and Yale universities will be contributing resources to the Public User Interface Enhancement Project from now until November.  Harvard University will be contributing a developer, whereas Yale University will contract with Hudson Molonglo for development work. All enhancements prioritized and contributed to the public interface will be coordinated by members of the Public Interface Enhancement Project.  Mark Custer (Yale University) will continue to lead this work.

Wiki and JIRA Access

The ArchivesSpace program maintains number of public resources that provide information about development and our community's activities, including

*         ArchivesSpace wiki, a public, collaborative workspace to communicate and share information about different ArchivesSpace activities, including development and our governance groups (http://wiki.archivesspace.org<http://wiki.archivesspace.org/>)

*         ArchivesSpace JIRA, our development catalog, where you can see everything that's been reported and worked on from a development perspective over the entire lifespan of the program and submit or keep track of particular issues (http://development.archivesspace.org<http://development.archivesspace.org/>)

These resources can be viewed by anyone, though editing, following or commenting on pages and issues requires an account. We've recently enabled self-sign up for these sites so anyone can now create an account directly. Feel free to still contact Christine at christine.dibella at lyrasis.org<mailto:christine.dibella at lyrasis.org> if you need help getting started.

Membership Update

Vassar College, the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Archives, the Cambridge Public Library, Washington State University Tri-Cities, The Archives of the Episcopal Church, and the California Historical Society all joined the ArchivesSpace membership community in May. The range of sizes and types of repositories represented in even this small sample of new members reflects the growing diversity of our member community overall and the many different settings in which ArchivesSpace is useful. We currently have 291 General members, 9 Educational Program members, and 3 Registered Service Providers.

Membership renewals are being sent to all current members this month. If you have any questions about your invoice, please contact us at ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org<mailto:ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org>. For those interested in considering membership, information is available at http://archivesspace.org/membership or by contacting us at ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org<mailto:ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org>.

Connect with ArchivesSpace in Person

Later this month, catch Christine at the Aeon Symposium, co-sponsored by ArchivesSpace members University of Michigan and Registered Service Provider Atlas Systems, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, from June 16-17. She'll be participating in two sessions related to integrating ArchivesSpace and Aeon.

That's the news from ArchivesSpace this month. Please feel free to share this update - and the ones in months to come - with people you know who have an interest in ArchivesSpace but may not be on one of the mailing lists mentioned.
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