[Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace Update - July 2016

Christine Di Bella christine.dibella at lyrasis.org
Fri Jul 1 12:14:00 EDT 2016

[ArchivesSpace Logo5.png]
July 2016 Update

ArchivesSpace monthly updates provide news about ArchivesSpace community and program activities and are sent to our member listservs, the ArchivesSpace Google Group, and SAA's Collection Management Tools roundtable listserv, as well as being posted on the ArchivesSpace website. Please feel free to share this update with people you know who have an interest in ArchivesSpace but may not be on one of these lists.


Thanks to everyone who tested the previous v1.5.0 release candidates. Based on the results reported, all fixes and features intended for the next release have been incorporated and we've put up a new release candidate at https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/releases/tag/v1.5.0-RC3. In addition to the container management and other enhancements that were included in the previous release candidates, v1.5.0 RC3 includes new enhancements to the location module that have been recently implemented by Hudson Molonglo and were funded by New York University.

Please test this release candidate as you are able and let us know if you encounter any problems or have any concerns. Assuming testing data is positive, we intend to distribute the 1.5.0 release on Friday, July 15.

Thank you to everybody for your patience and to the organizations / persons below for their contributions to testing earlier release candidates and versions of the new features:

*         Dartmouth College (Joshua Shaw)

*         Duke University (Noah Huffman)

*         Harvard University (ArchivesSpace Committee)

*         Keystone Library Network for Pennsylvania State Archives (Patrick Flanagan)

*         Michigan State University (Lydia Tang)

*         New York University (Sally Vermaaten, Craig Savino, Flannon Jackson)

*         North Carolina State University (Trevor Thornton)

*         Rockefeller Archive Center (Patrick Galligan)

*         University of California San Diego

*         University of Denver (Kevin Clair)

*         University of Kansas (University of Kansas)

*         University of Louisville (Carrie Daniels)

*         University of Michigan (Max Eckard and Michael Shallcross)

*         University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Carolyn Runyon)

*         Washington and Lee University (Alston Cobourn)

*         Yale University (Mark Custer and Maureen Callahan, now at Smith College)

*         and a big thank you to Mark Cooper  and Blake Carver of LYRASIS' Digital Technology Services who tested the conversion for over 40 of their hosted clients.

Webinar on ArchivesSpace v1.5.0 release

The ArchivesSpace program is holding a webinar on July 5 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Eastern time to provide an overview of the v1.5.0 release scheduled for July and to demonstrate some of its features, particularly in the areas of container and locations management. The webinar will be live, but will be recorded and available on the public website for viewing later.

The agenda for the webinar includes:

*         Overview of the 1.5.0 release

*         Container management functionality

*         Upgrade and data conversion process, specifically as it relates to containers

*         Enhanced locations management functionality

*         Questions, comments, suggestions from the audience

In addition to Christine Di Bella and Brad Westbrook from the program team, we're very happy to have Noah Huffman (Duke University), Alston Cobourn (Washington and Lee University), and Sally Vermaaten, Rachel Searcy, and Craig Savino (New York University) joining us.

Visit http://lyrasis.adobeconnect.com/r2fm4j1myb6/ to sign on to the webinar on July 5, or visit our website soon afterwards to view the recording.

Member Forum 2016

Online registration is open for the 2016 Member Forum, which will take place at the Robert W. Woodruff Library at Atlanta University Center. Information on the program is online at https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ADC/ArchivesSpace+Member+Forum+2016 and registration is at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/archivesspace-member-forum-2016-tickets-23188792302<http://www.eventbrite.com/e/archivesspace-member-forum-2016-tickets-23188792302?aff=utm_source%3Deb_email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3Dnew_event_email&utm_term=eventurl_text>. This free event is open to all staff from ArchivesSpace member institutions. We hope to see many of you there!

While there is still plenty of room for the afternoon program of the Forum, all three of the morning workshops are now full. Please contact Christine at christine.dibella at lyrasis.org<mailto:christine.dibella at lyrasis.org> to put your name on the waiting list for the workshops.

Online Training

The ArchivesSpace trainer corps presented a series of live webinars using Adobe Connect for staff from institutions in the Keystone Library Network from March to May 2016. These webinars covered many aspects of our face-to-face Basics and Digital Objects workshops and were recorded with an eye to making them more widely available after the conclusion of the series.

Edited recordings of many of the sessions are now available in the member area at https://docs.archivesspace.org/screencasts/index.html. You can watch the recordings in sequence or select only topics of particular interest to you. More recordings on topics such as imports, exports, data cleanup, and application customizations will be added in the near future. The sessions were presented based on ArchivesSpace v1.4.2.

We hope access to these recordings will be useful for members who can't attend a face-to-face training or would like to brush up on aspects of the introductory training available through the ArchivesSpace program. Special thanks to Registered Service Provider Keystone Library Network and the staff at its ArchivesSpace member institutions for giving us the opportunity to adapt the workshop content to an online format and being our first audience.

Membership Update

A number of organizations came on as General members of ArchivesSpace in June or for July 1. They include:

*         SUNY Downstate

*         Robert Rauschenberg Foundation

*         Mars Hill University

*         Towson University

*         Mount Holyoke College

*         Brown University

*         American Kennel Club

The University of Tennessee School of Information Sciences joined us as an Educational Program member<http://archivesspace.org/educationalmembership>.

As of July 1, we have 289 General members, 10 Educational Program members, and 3 Registered Service Providers.

Thanks to all the ArchivesSpace member organizations that have paid their invoices for the 2016-2017 membership term or let us know that they will soon. If you have questions about your renewal, or about ArchivesSpace membership in general, please contact us at ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org<mailto:ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org>.

Connect with ArchivesSpace in Person

We're sticking close to home in July, but gearing up for the Society of American Archivists (SAA) annual meeting in Atlanta next month. There will be one more monthly update before we're in the thick of SAA, but for those who are planning ahead, here's where you can find the ArchivesSpace during SAA:

ArchivesSpace events

*         ArchivesSpace Member Forum<https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ADC/ArchivesSpace+Member+Forum+2016>, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center, August 2, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (registration required)

*         Post-Forum Mixer (co-hosted by Registered Service Provider Atlas Systems), Hilton Atlanta, August 2, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Extend your conversations from the Member Forum, or, if you weren't able to join us for the Forum, come for light food and drink and to catch up with other ArchivesSpace users as a warmup to your evening in Atlanta. An RSVP to christine.dibella at lyrasis.org<mailto:christine.dibella at lyrasis.org> from those not registered for the Forum would be appreciated so that we are sure to have enough on hand.

*         Exhibit Hall, August 4-5 (opens August 4 at 5:00 p.m. and closes on August 5 at 4:30 p.m.; staff from ArchivesSpace and LYRASIS will be present at all times the exhibit hall is open)

Events hosted by others featuring ArchivesSpace program staff

*         Aeon Users Group (sponsored by Registered Service Provider Atlas Systems), August 4, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
>From Atlas: "Meet and greet social with Atlas Systems partners ArchivesSpace and Zepheira.  This is a great chance to meet with Atlas staff and members of our key partners to talk about anything!  Please RSVP to aeon at atlas-sys.com so that we may ensure an accurate food count."

*         Flexible Digital Preservation for a Changing World<http://sched.co/6oQi> (hosted by Preservica), August 4, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
>From Preservica: "Preservica ArchivesSpace Connector : NEW! Video & SAA Workshop: At SAA we will be jointly demonstrating Preservica's new integration with ArchivesSpace which was developed in collaboration with Yale University Library. The new catalog integration automatically synchronizes metadata and catalog hierarchy between the two systems, enabling you to maintain a single catalog view across both physical and digital artefacts. Preservica will also be showing many other new features including Virtual collections.
CLICK to learn more and join the workshop in Atlanta<http://preservica.com/events/archivesrecords-2016-july-31-august-6-2016-atlanta/>.
View a video demonstration<http://preservica.com/resource/preservica-product-insights-archivesspace-synchronization/> of the ArchivesSpace connector."

Events with information about ArchivesSpace led by ArchivesSpace users

There are also a number of sessions on the program that relate to ArchivesSpace, many featuring staff from ArchivesSpace member institutions. These include:

*         Collection Management Tools Roundtable<http://sched.co/6ni3>, August 3, 4:00-5:00 p.m.

*         S501: Making ArchivesSpace Work For You<http://sched.co/6mYh>, August 5, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

*         S506: You Are Not Alone! Navigating the Implementation of New Archival Systems<http://sched.co/6mYm>, August 5, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

*         Graduate student poster<http://sched.co/6msw> 20: Preparing Legacy Finding Aids for Ingest into ArchivesSpace

*         Professional poster<http://sched.co/6mqo> P09: Enriching Collaboration: Processing the Records of The Wellesley Centers for Women

(If you know of others, please let us know and we'll include them in next month's update.)

That's the news from ArchivesSpace this month. Please feel free to share this update - and the ones in months to come - with people you know who have an interest in ArchivesSpace but may not be on one of the mailing lists mentioned.

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