[Archivesspace_Users_Group] EAD imports fail, sometimes. Other times, Not!

Majewski, Steven Dennis (sdm7g) sdm7g at eservices.virginia.edu
Wed Aug 3 11:36:32 EDT 2016

Has anyone else seen this behavior ( on v1.4.2 ) ? 

Sometimes EAD imports fail. A failure status is reported on the job, but there is no progress info showing in the webapp log output, and there is no output.log file in the data/shared/job_files/… directory. The uploaded EAD file is in the job directory. 

Initially, it had appeared that restarting ArchivesSpace temporarily fixed the problem, but now I’ve gotten reports that the same job that failed in this manner will succeed when tried again a few minutes later. 

I haven’t found any useful information in logs/archivesspace.out file. 

Initially, I was looking at the fact that I wasn’t seeing the same behavior on our test server with the same database duped from production, and I was looking for differences in the config on both servers, but now, I’m thinking it may have something to do with the level of activity on the servers. Difficult to debug if I can’t replicate the behavior on a test installation. 

— Steve Majewski / UVA Alderman Library

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