[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Newest bugs/errors

Galligan, Patrick PGalligan at rockarch.org
Mon Jul 21 11:54:26 EDT 2014

In our latest tests of AS, we have come across a few new bugs and issues that we didn't see on the pivotal tracker. 

Agent records have two merge buttons and they both open/overlap when you click one. 

Ascending/descending sort menus are being pulled left in Collections Management. 

The migration tool will automatically publish resource records, but not the associated notes. Can we publish notes as we'll without individually changing each?

Finally, and possibly largest, some of our event types aren't migrating properly. https://s3.amazonaws.com/prod_object_assets/assets/13468903998474/translation-missing.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAI7NUHQYARXR2GGCQ&Expires=1405957417&Signature=Xr3vVhx4Y0WKzgi2UgTsNd5jVoI%3D#_=_

If that link doesn't work, here is our issue: certain event types get named "translation missing: en.enumerations.event.event_type.rights_transferred". 

Let me know if any of these are already known. 

Patrick Galligan

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