[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Resource Browse Issue

RENTON Scott Scott.Renton at ed.ac.uk
Mon Jul 7 04:49:46 EDT 2014

Hi folks,

This is my first post to the list- I'm Scott, involved in the implementation of Archives Space at the University of Edinburgh.

I wonder if anyone has seen the attached screenshot before- we have an issue with viewing Resources (I.e. we have come through Browse/Resources/ and then clicked on View beside one Resource to get this error).

The access logs suggest all is well (it's managed to get the relevant page up after all), and the catalina.out isn't showing any major concern either.

DEBUG -- : Thread-32954: GET /repositories/2/resources/3/tree?limit_to=root [session: #<Session:0x112d0266 @store={:user=>"admin", :login_time=>2014-07-07 09:32:00 +0100, :expirable=>true}, @id="32806c5c925d680e13af6bd4f29887628463b71c6ac7b3f390ee24dcdae716c6">]
D, [2014-07-07T09:39:25.685000 #2673] DEBUG -- : Thread-32954: Post-processed params: {:id=>3, :limit_to=>"root", :repo_id=>2}
D, [2014-07-07T09:39:25.722000 #2673] DEBUG -- : Thread-32954: Responded with [200, {"Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Cache-Control"=>"private, must-revalidate, max-age=0", "Content-Length"=>"242"}, ["{\"title\":\"Papers of Elizabeth Jean Jones (1935-2009)\",\"id\":3,\"node_type\":\"resource\",\"publish\":true,\"children\":[],\"record_uri\":\"/repositories/2/resources/3\",\"level\":\"fonds\",\"jsonmodel_type\":\"resource_tree\",\"instance_types\":[],\"containers\":[]}\n"]]... in 55.0ms

Permissions don't appear to be an issue either- the admin user, who created this record, is granted System Admin privileges, and as belt and braces, everything else is ticked.

Just to add to this issue, we cannot replicate it it in our dev environment, which is running the same (most up-to-date) release of AS. We have set up live to run on a netscaler though, with bespoke (I.e. not server name) URLs.

Thanks folks

Scott Renton
Systems Developer, Library & University Collections
24 Buccleuch Place, 2nd Floor Right
tel: 515219

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