[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Estimated server specification for hosting service

Chris Fitzpatrick Chris.Fitzpatrick at lyrasis.org
Wed Aug 27 07:32:43 EDT 2014

Hi Dave,

Ha, well "best" is always "biggest", right?

We have some servers with just 1G RAM with the max heap at 512M..it works fine, but you'll notice the sluggishness.  I think the best options around are still the 2G  $20/month plans that Digital Ocean and Linode offer. You can also try out the 1G $10/month plan and bump up if you need to...

Also, if you're going to do a migration, it's actually a good idea to start with a bigger server ( especially more cores )  then scale it down after you've migrated from AT or Archon. The migration will hit your server more than you'll probably ever see in normal use ( unless you're collection goes viral or something...).

In terms of storage, the biggest things are actually the log files and backups. You can modify your retention plan and move those off the server ( for example, zip them up and scp them to another location ). But if you go with the Linode or DO options, you'll get about 40G SSD, which will be way more than you'll ever need in terms of storage.


Chris Fitzpatrick | Developer, ArchivesSpace
Skype: chrisfitzpat  | Phone: 918.236.6048

From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org <archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> on behalf of David Eves <david at bookbindersmuseum.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 6:29 AM
To: ArchivesSpaceUsersGroup
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Estimated server specification for hosting service

Could someone give me some guidance on the specifications for the server/host required to run an ArchivesSpace instance?

I'm pricing various Linux hosting services, and need to decide which service tier will be required.

I'm looking for
- an approximate "best" memory size and
- some way to estimate the growth rate for storage
so I can select the correct service plans for us to start processing.

I see in the Installation Guide that "At least 1024 MB RAM" is recommended, but is this a 'more would be better' situation?

The defaults in the start script "archivesspace.sh" set the JVM Max Heap to 1024m and PermHeap to 256m so I am guessing that would mean the next tier host memory size of 2GB Ram would be better.

Is this a correct assumption?

And is there a back-of-the-envelope calculation for predicting the rate that disk storage requirements will grow? I'm planning on running with a MySQL backend.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

David Eves
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