[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Estimated server specification for hosting service

David Eves david at bookbindersmuseum.org
Wed Aug 27 00:29:23 EDT 2014

Could someone give me some guidance on the specifications for the
server/host required to run an ArchivesSpace instance?

I'm pricing various Linux hosting services, and need to decide which
service tier will be required.

I'm looking for
- an approximate "best" memory size and
- some way to estimate the growth rate for storage
so I can select the correct service plans for us to start processing.

I see in the Installation Guide that "At least 1024 MB RAM" is recommended,
but is this a 'more would be better' situation?

The defaults in the start script "archivesspace.sh" set the JVM Max Heap to
1024m and PermHeap to 256m so I am guessing that would mean the next tier
host memory size of 2GB Ram would be better.

Is this a correct assumption?

And is there a back-of-the-envelope calculation for predicting the rate
that disk storage requirements will grow? I'm planning on running with a
MySQL backend.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

David Eves
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