[Orcid-us] Register!: ORCID and NSPM-33 Webinar (July 2022)

Paolo Gujilde Paolo.Gujilde at lyrasis.org
Thu Jun 16 10:46:55 EDT 2022

Hello All!

The ORCID US Community<https://orcidus.lyrasis.org/> would like to invite you to our ORCID and NSPM-33 webinar (7/21/2022, 12:00 PM-1:30 PM Eastern Time). For registration and full details of the webinar, please see: ORCID and NSPM-33 (lyrasis.org)<https://www.lyrasis.org/Content/Pages/Event-Details.aspx?Eid=F2076BCA-D3E1-EC11-80FB-00155D0A2732>.

Brief Description:

In January 2021, the White House released a National Security Presidential Memorandum (NSPM-33) on United States Government-Supported Research and Development National Security Policy. NSPM-33 directs Federal agencies conducting and awarding research funds to establish policies related to use of Digital Persistent Identifiers (DPIs) for researchers' disclosure of information during funding application and reporting workflows, including but not limited to affiliations/employment, funding support, and positions.

This webinar will cover an overview of NSPM-33 as it applies to ORCID and recommended actions for how organizations can prepare to help researchers meet potential NSPM-33 policies related to ORCID. We will also hear a case study from the University of Florida, a comprehensive land-grant University home to 3,500 researchers and receives almost $1 billion annually in extramural funding. The University of Florida research office (UF Research) has built a custom ORCID API integration that allows researchers to connect their ORCID iD with University of Florida and have UF data written to their ORCID records. We will have plenty of time for discussion and questions at the end of the session.

We hope to see you in July. Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions.

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