[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Attempting to get debugging working on ArchivesSpace with RubyMine (Ubuntu)

Norton, Channing cnorton9 at library.rochester.edu
Thu Apr 13 10:50:22 EDT 2023


I would like to start by apologizing, this post is not exactly concise, but I wanted to include all the details I've uncovered in my research and troubleshooting, both to anticipate any questions that might arise, and to help whoever might stumble upon this post in the future.

I am attempting to do some plugin development using RubyMine, however, I am running into an inability to use RubyMine's debugger, as I can't figure out how to effectively attach it to the process. This appears to be a dependency issue, for reasons I will explain below.

The only information I've found in my research that appears to maybe be relevant is a 2016 post to this listserv, linked below


In accordance with some of the discussion in that thread, I've set my project root to be the root of the archivesspace install, in my case, /opt/archivesspace

That said, I'm not overly familiar with Ruby, so I'll acknowledge that much of this goes over my head.

Right now, within Rubymine, I'm attempting to use the following run configuration.

  *   Template: Rack
  *   Server: Default
  *   IP Address: (Archivesspace is running locally)
  *   Port 8081
  *   Rack config file: /opt/archivesspace/gems/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/config.rb   (This is the setting I'm least sure of)
  *   Use Project SDK
  *   Bundler: Auto-detection

When I try to run with this configuration (run OR debug), I get the following error message:

/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems.rb:265:in `find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem rack (>= 0.a) with executable rackup (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
     from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems.rb:284:in `activate_bin_path'
     from /opt/archivesspace/gems/bin/rackup:23:in `<main>'

I've installed ruby-dev, as well as several other packages I've seen recommended for similar issues on Jetbrains threads. I've linked the output of apt list|grep ruby below

running Archivesspace directly, rather than through the IDE works fine.

Based off the information in the 2016 email thread, my understanding is that, while ruby/rubymine has all the gems it needs in order to run archivesspace in this context, it's missing a manifest file specifying where those gems actually are.

Can anyone more familiar with either the Archvivesspace project structure, or Ruby in general shine some light on what may be happening here?

Best wishes,

Channing Norton
Senior Programmer Analyst
Digital Initiatives
University of Rochester
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