[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Advice on born-digital accessioning in ArchivesSpace

Elizabeth Carron carrone at bc.edu
Thu Apr 21 13:28:03 EDT 2022


Within the last year, we've amped up our born-digital acquisitions program
which led to this very question. In the end, we decided that instance
records were for physical containers and that DO records would be best
utilized for born-digital and digitized content. There were a number of
collection recordkeeping reasons for this, but there's also a prospective
migration to a new IR solution and of the PUI on the horizon.

One of the biggest legacy challenges that we had to consider is that, prior
to my position being established 2+ years ago, DO records were utilized
solely by our library digitization and A/V reformatting team. The archives
team has only recently been positioned to systematically acquire and work
with born-digital content in an iterative process. Several
inter-departmental brainstorming sessions later, we've set up standards as
to what makes a minimal viable DO record. NB: the DO record likely be
deleted as part of the processing project wrap-up.

 A minimal viable DO for an accession requires (and this is where ASpace
pre-populated fields really comes in handy):

   - Title - We established and documented a convention to be applied to
   all accession DOs and potential accruals.
   - Identifier - We established and documented a file naming convention to
   be applied to all bags.
   - File URI - We established and documented a file structure to be
   applied to all accessioned content and is replicated across all of our
   local and vended digital preservation environments.
   - Use statement - Since there are users of this area of ASpace besides
   the archives team, the use statement enables us to manage the nuances
   between unprocessed/processed born-digital archival content and
   unprocessed/processed digitized content. Accessions are considered
   <submitted masters>. This controlled term is in keeping with our practice
   of managing accessions in aggregation (e.g, boxes and bags) and makes it
   easier to run reports, perform unprocessed backlog audits, and conduct
   processing project wrap-up.

Hope this is helpful!
*Elizabeth Carron*
Senior Accessioning Archivist | MS, Certified Records Manager (CRM)
*pronouns are she/her/hers*

*John J. Burns Library @ Boston College*
P | 617.552.8049
E | elizabeth.carron at bc.edu
Digital Submissions Form
 | University Policy on University Archives
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