[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Date Expression Parsing / Issues with Timewalk Plugin

Laurie Sather lsather at hagley.org
Mon Oct 4 09:26:50 EDT 2021


Anyone else having trouble with the Date Expression no longer parsing out? How is everyone else dealing with this?  The timewalk plugin is no longer compatible, so we had to disable it, which is very inconvenient to now have to manually reenter all the same information.

It sounded like Aspace was going to include a fix with v3.0.2, but the automatic date expression parsing still does not function (with or without the plugin).


Thank you!

Laurie Sather, MA, MLIS, CA
Head Archivist
Archival Collections Department
Hagley Museum and Library
PO Box 3630
Wilmington, DE 19807-0630
Telephone: 302-658-2400 ext. 277
Email: lsather at hagley.org<mailto:lsather at hagley.org>

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