[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Born-digital Digital Objects

Meagan Doyle mdoyle at bowdoin.edu
Mon May 10 09:33:40 EDT 2021

Hello -

I am interested in some specifics about how folks describe born-digital objects in ASpace. Links to workflows would be appreciated, but I also have some questions we're mulling below if you'd prefer to answer those directly.

When linking a digital object representing a born-digital record to a file-level ASpace record, do you also create an instance?
If a born-digital publication (e.g. a college catalog PDF) exists in your web archive, do you link the ASpace record for that publication to the web archive or to a copy of the record in a digital repository (or other)?
How does your institution use "File Versions" for born-digital digital objects?

Thank you!

Meagan Doyle | Digital Archivist | George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives<https://library.bowdoin.edu/arch/>
Bowdoin College Library | 3000 College Station | Brunswick, Maine 04011 | 207.725.3201 | she/her/hers

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