[Archivesspace_Users_Group] FW: US DataCite Community call for interest

Christine Di Bella christine.dibella at lyrasis.org
Tue Sep 8 14:34:43 EDT 2020

Forwarding on behalf of our colleague Sheila Rabun at LYRASIS. Please get in touch with her at sheila.rabun at lyrasis.org<mailto:sheila.rabun at lyrasis.org> with questions.


From: Sheila Rabun <Sheila.Rabun at lyrasis.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 11:45 AM
To: Christine Di Bella <christine.dibella at lyrasis.org>
Subject: US DataCite Community call for interest

Hi Christine, the message below is a call for interest in a potential US DataCite Community administered by LYRASIS - if you can please forward to the ArchivesSpace community, that will be wonderful. Many thanks! -Sheila

To: ArchivesSpace community

Subject: US DataCite Community call for interest

Greetings all,

To bolster our existing programs, LYRASIS is considering establishing a national DataCite<https://datacite.org/mission.html> Community, which would allow non-profit organizations in the US to create DOIs* (digital object identifiers) for digital assets created and hosted locally for a reduced fee as part of DataCite's consortium member model.

We are checking in with you to gauge interest in such a program, which we would anticipate to begin in January 2021 with an anticipated annual per-institution fee of $1,600, plus a DOI fee depending on the number of DOIs created at each institution:

Annual DOI Fees:

  *   1-1,999 DOIs created = $.95 per DOI
  *   2,000-10,000 DOIs created = $1,900 flat rate
  *   Any organizations creating more than 10,000 DOIs per year would need to operate as a direct member with DataCite.

The more institutions participating, and the more DOIs created, the more everyone can potentially save due to DataCite's consortium fee caps. This program would provide a savings of approximately 40% per participating institution compared to what any single organization might pay for becoming a direct member with DataCite.

If your organization would be interested in joining our DataCite consortium, please complete this brief form<https://forms.gle/sKNNN44KpvtHuBwc8> by Sept. 25 to let us know.

Many thanks, on behalf of the LYRASIS Content & Scholarly Communication team!

*DOIs are unique, persistent identifiers that can be created by institutions through a DOI registration service (such as DataCite) and assigned to digital works in order to make them easier to find on the web in a reliable manner over time. DOIs are commonly assigned to objects such as digital journal articles, white papers, OERs (open educational resources), slide decks, posters, or other works on the web. For example, the DOI for the document "Recommendations for Supporting ORCID in Repositories" is https://doi.org/10.23640/07243.7777274.

Sheila Rabun, MA, MLIS [cid:image001.gif at 01D685BC.5D001280]  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1196-6279
ORCID US Community Specialist
Web: http://orcid-us.org<http://orcid-us.org/>
Twitter: https://twitter.com/USconsortium
Phone: 1-800-999-8558 x4809
Pronouns: she/her/hers

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