[Archivesspace_Users_Group] MySQL connector question

Peter Heiner ph448 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Oct 9 07:31:50 EDT 2020

Neal, Rick wrote on 2020-10-09 11:18:00:
> I am continuing to troubleshoot our mysql issue and have a question about the mysql connector.
> My operating system is RHEL 7.
> MySQL version is:  mysql-community         5.6.49-2.el7
> The instructions sent me to:  https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/
> I downloaded:  mysql-connector-java-8.0.21-1.el7.noarch.rpm
> I did a little searching and found that the mysql-community repo has this one available:  mysql-connector-odbc.x86_64     8.0.21-1.el7
> My question is that since I installed mysql from a mysql-community repo should I use the mysql-connector-odbc file from that same repo?  Does it matter which one?

You need mysql-connector-java, I believe the one you downloaded should
be fine. It should be sufficient t have it somewhere in your CLASSPATH.


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