[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Creating location records - how?

Nick Butler npwb2 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Oct 10 10:50:56 EDT 2019

Hi all,

We're currently running v2.5.2 on our development system (we aren't live yet) and we're running into a peculiar problem with the permission "update_location_record".

As far as we can tell, two users have been set up with the same level of permissions yet only one can create and edit location records. Pulling their records via the [:GET] /users/:id API endpoint shows that one has the "update_location_record" for all their repositories and also for the "_archivesspace" global repository, yet the other doesn't have this permission anywhere. The full list of permissions acquired via the [:GET] /permissions endpoint doesn't even include this permission; nor does the permission table of our underlying database. I tried adding it to the other user's record by POSTing a modified user object to the [:POST] /users/:id endpoint but this seems to have had no effect.

Basically, how does one go about getting this permission? And is there a reason it doesn't show up in either the database or [:GET] /permissions? Could this be something that's resolved by upgrading from v2.5.2? Any advice would be very welcome, as this will become quite a pressing issue for us soon.

Many thanks,


Nick Butler
Software Developer
Digital Services
Cambridge University Library
West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DR, UK

npwb2 at cam.ac.uk<mailto:npwb2 at cam.ac.uk>

Internal tel: 33067
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