[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Discontinuing use of "levels of description" labels?

Trevor Thornton trthorn2 at ncsu.edu
Fri Mar 8 14:41:40 EST 2019

I believe the level of description field is required in ArchivesSpace, so
it may be difficult for you to stop using it even if you want to.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 2:29 PM Jordon Steele <jsteele at jhu.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is more of an archival description question, but I’m not a member of
> that listserv, so I figured it would be easier to ping some of you about
> this for advice since I wager there’s a lot of overlap.
> We have not-infrequent discussions around here about what “level of
> description” label to assign to an archival component at a given level,
> i.e. collection, series, file, item, etc. But because our data is already
> structured in hierarchical relationships via EAD/JSON, there’s no real need
> to “tell the computer” what level this is since these labels aren’t the way
> computers understand context and hierarchy, the nesting of data is.
> Once I realized this, I often made the case that these
> level-of-description labels are useful for stylesheets, i.e. tell a
> stylesheet with level=series to make it all caps and bold, level=file
> should be red, etc. But the ASpace PUI doesn’t/doesn’t need to style levels
> in this manner for the hierarchy to be easily understood.
> So we’re considering discontinuing use of the “level of description” field
> in ASpace. But am I missing an important value of this field? Thanks!
> Best,
> Jordon
> Jordon Steele
> Hodson Curator of the University Archives
> Sheridan Libraries
> Johns Hopkins University
> 3400 N Charles St
> Baltimore, MD 21218
> jsteele at jhu.edu
> 410-516-5493
> he/him/his
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Trevor Thornton
Applications Developer, Digital Library Initiatives
North Carolina State University Libraries
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