[Archivesspace_Users_Group] OCLC Digital Collection Gateway

Thomas San Filippo sanfilippo_thomas at wheatoncollege.edu
Tue Dec 3 18:19:16 EST 2019

Thank you! This never even occurred to me, but I just tried from home and
I'm firewalled, too. Kind of defeats the purpose of a public interface,
huh? I'll talk to IT and try to reverse the damage from 3 hours of banging
my head against my laptop.

Thanks again,

*Thomas San Filippo*
*Systems and Educational Technology Liaison*

Pronouns: he/him/his; they/them/their(s)

Madeleine Clark Wallace Library
<https://wheatoncollege.edu/academics/library/>, G34
Wheaton College <https://wheatoncollege.edu>
26 E. Main Street, Norton, MA 02766 <https://goo.gl/maps/d5JvoKZUEXy>
(508) 286-5601 <+15082865601>
Twitter: @WallaceLibrary <https://twitter.com/WallaceLibrary> | Instagram:
/wallacelibrary <https://www.instagram.com/wallacelibrary/> | Facebook:
wheatoncollege <https://www.facebook.com/WheatonCollege/>

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 2:20 PM Majewski, Steven Dennis (sdm7g) <
sdm7g at virginia.edu> wrote:

> Not at all a solution to the original posters problem, but I was thinking
> of proposing that in a future release, we just get rid of the separate OAI
> server, and server OAI from  public-url/oai .
> Some sites are already doing that — I assume thru apache or other proxy
> server.
> ( I think that’s what Lyrasis is doing for the sites they manage. I wish I
> had thought of that obvious option before setting up a separate VHOST for
> OAI.  )
> The existing OAI server is only proxying data from the backend server
> anyway.
> Proxying to the PUI would make configuration simpler, and would have the
> side benefit of a consistent OAI endpoint for all public sites.
> — Steve M.
> > On Dec 3, 2019, at 2:02 PM, Seth Shaw <seth.shaw at unlv.edu> wrote:
> >
> > Side note now that Steve pointed out that port 8081 does work, I
> recommend changing the PUI port to "80", the default web port, so users
> don't need to add the 8081 port to access your site.
> >
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