[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Archivesspace dropping https in Staff UI

Kara Hart kstrosch at wellesley.edu
Fri Aug 30 08:47:18 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,
We just built a new server with openjdk 1.8.0_212; Apache/2.4.6; 5.7.26
MySQL; CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810.
I migrated the database from a 2.5.1 version and forced a full re-index by
deleting the data directory contents. At the same time we installed
certificates to start to serve the PUI and Staff UI over https. My Systems
staff added the settings to the apache config file and I edited the
config.rb file and entered the lines as suggested in the https setup

I'm having a problem with the AS not keeping https on the staff side when
you click to view or edit records.  I can search and get a list of result
records in the AS staff UI and navigate around, but when I click on a
record to edit or view I'm getting a requested resource is not found on
server error.

EX: a link to a record
should redirect to
but instead I get routed to insecure
with error "Not Found     The requested URL /resources/51 was not found on
this server."
If I change the last url to https, manually, it does render the edit page.

Any idea with is going on or of a setting I'm missing somewhere?



~~~ Kara S. Hart
Systems Librarian - Library & Technology Services
Wellesley College
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