[Archivesspace_Users_Group] ASpace Kansas City Regional Forum - Registration is now open!

Christine Kim Christine.Kim at lyrasis.org
Fri Oct 26 11:21:11 EDT 2018

Join us for the ArchivesSpace Regional Forum in Kansas City!<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/archivesspace-regional-forum-kansas-city-2018-tickets-50618209427>
The regional forums are opportunities for our diverse ArchivesSpace members to meet up more locally to share and learn from each other through workshops, focused discussion sessions, and presentations. Registration is now open!


  *   Location: Midwest Genealogy Center
  *   Date: November 30, 2018 (Friday)
  *   Time: 9am - 5pm
  *   Parking: Parking & Transportation<https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/737607692>

The specifics continue to be shaped by the working group. The most current information is available on the ArchivesSpace wiki<https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/728662017/Kansas+City+Regional+Forum+-+November+2018>.

Morning Workshops: The morning will feature two hands-on, engaging workshops. Please register for the workshop you are interested in attending. Each workshop is limited to 15 participants.

  *   Workshop A: Choose Your ASpace Adventure
     *   Instructor: Miloche Kottman, University of Kansas Libraries
     *   The content of this workshop will be determined by a poll presented during registration check-out. Options include:
        *   Option 1: Deep dive of Accession & Reource records: How to create an accession record, all about notes and spawning; How to create a resource record, all about notes, creating multi-level description, adding instance(s)
        *   Option 2: Built-in ArchivesSpace efficiencies: Learn how to use Rapid Data Entry; set up default values for new accession, resource or digital object records; import EAD record with archival objects and merge with brief top-level resource record; controlled value list; default note order; LCNAF Import plugin; Container and Location management
        *   Option 3: Controlling Data in ArchivesSpace: Data cleanup in ArchivesSpace; Cleaning up controlled values list; adding values to controlled values list; creating agent/subject records; merging duplicate agent/subject records
  *   Workshop B: Introduction to Git and GitHub: A hands-on workshop
     *   Instructor: Jamene Brooks-Kieffer, University of Kansas Libraries
     *   Workshop Description: Git is a powerful open source version control tool that was originally designed for software development projects. GitHub is a web-based service that offers the functionality of Git plus additional features that enhance collaboration and project management. The combination of Git and GitHub creates a redundant, transparent, and reproducible work environment. However, accessing items available on GitHub (such as ArchivesSpace source code, documentation, and migration scripts) can be confusing and frustrating without training and practice.
This workshop will introduce you to the basics of using Git on the command line, setting up your own GitHub repository, and contributing to projects hosted on GitHub. This workshop will also introduce you to using Markdown for formatting plain text files. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of Git, GitHub, Markdown, or the Unix-style command line to attend.

Afternoon program: The afternoon session will highlight stories and experiences through presentations and group discussions. A catered lunch will be provided.

  *   Speaker submissions: Currently accepting submissions! More info here: http://archivesspace.org/archives/3210

Registration, including the "Workshop A: Choose Your ASpace Adventure" poll, is now open: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/archivesspace-regional-forum-kansas-city-2018-tickets-50618209427

We will kick off the forum on November 29th (the night before) with an optional happy hour at Smokehouse Barbecue<https://www.smokehousebbq.com/>. Join us for a casual get together so we can get to know each other over delicious Kansas City barbecue! We'll provide a selection of appetizers to share. You are welcome to purchase your own drinks or additional food. This social activity is open to everyone.

If you have any questions (or ideas!) related to the regional forums, feel free to email Christine Kim at christine.kim at lyrasis.org.

Kansas City Regional Forum Working Group
Danielle Butler (Central Arkansas Library System)
Marcella Huggard (University of Kansas)
Miloche Kottman (University of Kansas)
Patrice-Andre Prud'homme (Oklahoma State University)
Christine Kim (ArchivesSpace)
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