[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Server leaking resources? Slows after running a while.

Trevor Thornton trthorn2 at ncsu.edu
Tue Oct 9 14:05:23 EDT 2018

We had similar issues until we adjusted the memory allocations in the
startup script per the instructions here:

On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 12:31 PM Zachary L Pelli <zachary.pelli at shu.edu>

> Hey all,
> We’re having issue with our installation and I’m trying to narrow down
> what the problem is. After the application starts, it runs smoothly. After
> s few days, maybe a week, it slows to a crawl, frequently throwing 502
> errors. I forgot to grab the logs before resetting, but I’ll be sure to
> check them next time it happens.
> I have set the java heap space to 2500mb on a server with 4gb total
> memory. Running top command when the server was slow showed a constant 100%
> CPU usage and ~80% memory usage. After resetting, it shows 1-20% CPU usage
> and ~38% memory usage.
> I have a feeling that  it may be time to upgrade to a more powerful server
> but I want to rule out any application-related issues before making that
> leap.
> Regards,
> Zach Pelli
> Digital Collections Infrastructure Developer
> Seton Hall University Libraries
> 973.275.2046
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Trevor Thornton
Applications Developer, Digital Library Initiatives
North Carolina State University Libraries
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