[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Maximum finding aid size

Kevin W. Schlottmann kws2126 at columbia.edu
Fri Oct 5 15:46:09 EDT 2018

Thanks Steve.  That's very helpful; we'll definitely run these in a
test environment first.
On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 3:27 PM Majewski, Steven Dennis (sdm7g)
<sdm7g at virginia.edu> wrote:
> I’ve recently imported a 25MB EAD file as well as some around 10-15MB.
> It took a significant amount of time to ingest — about an hour.
> This was on a test server with minimal load other than that job,
> so you may want to schedule your ingest at off hours.
> Definitely do it on a test server first, because it’s difficult to back out of
> if you need to fix something and try again.
> ( This was using the current version (v2.5.0). Some very early versions were unacceptably slow. )
> I think the primary overhead is in creating objects, more than the EAD parsing,
> so it probably scales by some other order of complexity rather than just text size.
> i.e. creating a very large bioghist or other note is still only creating a single object
> and is probably a single MySQL operation, while turning a long list of agent names into
> agent records and linking them to the resource is many operations.
> — Steve Majewski
> > On Oct 5, 2018, at 3:00 PM, Kevin W. Schlottmann <kws2126 at columbia.edu> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Does anyone have a sense of where the size limitations are in
> > ArchivesSpace?  We have some very large finding aids (10+ MB EAD) that
> > we hope to import, manage, and publish using AS. I would image that
> > other institutions have large finding aids, and I'm curious to know
> > what issues we might run into.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Kevin
> > --
> > Kevin Schlottmann
> > Head of Archives Processing
> > Rare Book & Manuscript Library
> > Butler Library, Room 801
> > Columbia University
> > 535 W. 114th St., New York, NY  10027
> > (212) 854-8483
> >
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Kevin Schlottmann
Head of Archives Processing
Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Butler Library, Room 801
Columbia University
535 W. 114th St., New York, NY  10027
(212) 854-8483

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