[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Question re: Including Unpublished in EAD/PDF

Larry Weimer larry.weimer at nyhistory.org
Sat Nov 10 17:39:38 EST 2018

Hi all,

I had occasion recently to run a "Print to PDF" of one of our resources
that includes several series that are "unpublished." I wanted the
unpublished this time so I checked the "include unpublished" box. But the
PDF did not include them. I found this was not unique to the particular
resource I first ran. I also found that the unpublished was not included in
the EADXML even when checked to include. I'm running version 2.3.2. These
records had been migrated from Archivists Toolkit (where the series had
been checked as "internal only.")

Has anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts or guidance on this?


Larry Weimer
Head of Archival Processing
New-York Historical Society

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