[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Any Advice for Posting Barcodes to the API?

Smallen, Vakil smallen at email.gwu.edu
Mon Aug 27 16:40:00 EDT 2018

Here at GW we are undertaking a project to add barcodes to top level
containers that do not have them or replacing an Aspace generated faux code
with a barcode. We plan to use the API for much of this work. Batch editing
records through the API is a new project for us, though our department had
some limited experience with it. We've pulled reports from ArchivesSpace
using the API, and done some very limited posting of content. We have
library staff to assists with the Python scripting we plan to use. We're
working with Archivesspace version 2.3.2.

I would love to hear from folks that have done this already. I've looked at
Johns Hopkins script to post barcodes in Github.

I wasn't able to make that one work for me, but I hope with assistance with
editing the script I can make it work. Are there other suggestions for
places to look for guidance or any advice people can provide from their

Vakil Smallen
NEA Project Archivist
Special Collections Research Center
The George Washington University
Smallen at email.gwu.edu
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