[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Ideas for advanced training topics?

Christine Kim Christine.Kim at lyrasis.org
Wed Dec 13 16:25:44 EST 2017

Dear ArchivesSpace community,

We're currently looking to expand on training topics. One major focus on our radar is to get an "Advanced Skills" workshop together. However, we'd love to get your input on what skills or customizations help you get the most out of ASpace. Are there any particular tools or workflows you have discovered that really makes using ASpace easier? Or are there any features or practices you would like to receive more in depth training?

Some potential ideas include: preparing EAD for import, customizing the PUI, working with plugins, etc.

Our current workshop topics are included on this page on the website: http://archivesspace.org/using-archivesspace/training-and-consultations/

We would really appreciate your ideas and feedback. Please email me or respond to this thread if you'd like to share your ideas. Thanks!

Best wishes,

Christine Kim
ArchivesSpace Community Engagement Coordinator
christine.kim at lyrasis.org<mailto:christine.kim at lyrasis.org>
800.999.8558 x4820
Skype: ckim.lyrasis

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