[Archivesspace_Users_Group] [archivesspace] Cannot write to config directory . . . archivesspace/data/solr_home

Sally Vermaaten sally.vermaaten at nyu.edu
Wed Oct 5 08:43:27 EDT 2016

Hi Heather,

We're running 1.5.1 and we've also noticed the "Cannot write to config
directory /opt/archivesspace/data/solr_home/collection1/conf; switching to
use InMemory storage instead"  error message in our Solr logging.

So we'd also be eager to hear if anyone has encountered this before and/or
knows how to fix it?


On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Heather Klish <heather.klish at gmail.com>

> We just migrated a dev instance of ArchivesSpace 1.4.2 to 1.5.1.  We're
> getting the error messages below in Solr logging when we start the ASpace
> service.  We don't have an  archivesspace/data/solr_home directory.  I
> didn't see one in 1.4.2 either.  Any ideas as to what I should do to fix
> these?
> 8/9/2016, 6:16:28 AM
> RequestHandlers
> Multiple requestHandler registered to the same name: /update ignoring:
> org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler
> 8/9/2016, 6:16:31 AM
> ManagedResourceStorage
> Cannot write to config directory .../archivesspace/data/solr_home/collection1/conf;
> switching to use InMemory storage instead.
> 8/9/2016, 6:16:31 AM
> ManagedResource
> No stored data found for /rest/managed
> Thanks,
> Heather Klish
> Tufts University
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Sally Vermaaten
Project Manager, Archival Systems
New York University Libraries
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