[Archivesspace_Users_Group] error when merging Controlled Vocabulary list values

Cobourn, Alston cobourna at wlu.edu
Fri Nov 4 16:23:54 EDT 2016

Earlier today I attempted to merge the value Collection into the value Papers in the accession_resource_type controlled vocabulary list.  When I did this, I got the following error message and then was unable to edit or view any records of any type in the application.  My IT guy attempted to fix the problem by restarting the server but after he shut it down, it application would not restart.  He went into the correct backend file and put the Collection value back in the list.  Then he was able to restart the application and everything has been working fine.  Last week I deleted and merged multiple values in our controlled vocabulary lists without any issues.  Has anyone else encountered a problem like the one I had today?  I didn't see one in the listserv archives or JIRA.

RuntimeError in EnumerationsController#index

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  <div id="summary">

    <h1>Internal Server Error <span>(500)</span></h1>

    <table class="meta">


        <th>Request Method:</th>




        <th>Request URL:</th<URL:%3c/th>>





  <div id="info">

    <p>(NoMethodError) undefined method `[]&#x27; for nil:NilClass</p>


  <div id="explanation">


    You're seeing this error because you use <code>JRuby::Rack::ErrorApp::ShowStatus</code>.





Rails.root: /root/ArchivesSpace/tmp/jetty-
Application Trace<http://archivesspace.wlu.edu:8080/enumerations> | Framework Trace<http://archivesspace.wlu.edu:8080/enumerations> | Full Trace<http://archivesspace.wlu.edu:8080/enumerations>

app/controllers/enumerations_controller.rb:14:in `index'




Show session dump<http://archivesspace.wlu.edu:8080/enumerations>

Show env dump<http://archivesspace.wlu.edu:8080/enumerations>




Alston Cobourn
Assistant Professor and Digital Scholarship Librarian
Washington and Lee University
cobourna at wlu.edu<mailto:cobourna at wlu.edu>
ORCID 0000-0002-3756-6476

Alston Cobourn
Assistant Professor and Digital Scholarship Librarian
Washington and Lee University
cobourna at wlu.edu<mailto:cobourna at wlu.edu>
ORCID 0000-0002-3756-6476

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