[Archivesspace_Users_Group] has anyone added a large list of barcodes into Archivesspace ?

Kari R Smith smithkr at mit.edu
Wed Dec 28 09:38:35 EST 2016

We will be upgrading to ver 1.5x from 1.4.2 in the next month (hosted by LYRASIS).  Our container/box/ info is all in a standalone db and we are working on a strategy for adding all of the barcodes into the records in ArchivesSpace.

Has anyone done this?  If so, would you share how you did it?

Thanks much!

Kari R. Smith
Digital Archivist and Program Head for Born-digital Archives
Institute Archives and Special Collections
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries, Cambridge, Massachusetts
617.253.5690   smithkr at mit.edu   http://libraries.mit.edu/archives/  @karirene69

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