[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Approximate, Inferred, Questionable - how are you using it?

Tang, Lydia ltang5 at mail.lib.msu.edu
Mon Aug 22 11:16:18 EDT 2016

Carolyn and Leilani,
Thanks for your feedback!  Since the distinction doesn’t seem to print in the PDF version of the finding aid, and since my institution doesn’t yet been implementing a public interface, one thing I am concerned about is whether these distinctions will actually be reflected, and what sort of capabilities they can open up as far as being machine-actionable.  I’d want as many things to be as machine-actionable as possible, but I also don’t want to be duplicating more work than I have to, especially if the machine-actionable function may not be functionable.  Does anyone in the ASpace team know?  Thanks!

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