[Archivesspace_Users_Group] REMOTE_USER/Cosign authentication and other non-password auth methods

Ryan Rotter rrotter at umich.edu
Fri Jun 5 10:56:04 EDT 2015

(Slightly updated cross posting from the Google group now that I've been
added to this list)

I'm working on changes to ArchivesSpace to make it work with Cosign auth in
our environment. Specifically I'm adding support for using the
X-REMOTE-USER http header set by apache mod_proxy for authentication
instead of a password. Are there any ASpace users that want to use Cosign,
Shib or similar auth methods that might be interested in this? How about
other non-password-based auth methods (e.g. OAuth)?

I have a working proof of concept, but I'd like to develop this into
something that I can get accepted upstream. I haven't found any guidelines
on developing for AS (other than the CLA which I'm in the process of
getting submitted); is this the best forum for discussing architectural
issues like this?
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