[Archivesspace_Users_Group] proxying with a prefix [ was: Mysql connector issues with a source build ]

Steven Majewski sdm7g at virginia.edu
Wed Jul 22 15:24:30 EDT 2015

I’m using 


AppConfig[:hostname] = proc { Socket.gethostname }
# […] 
AppConfig[:frontend_url] = "http://localhost:8088/admin" # 8080 used by tomcat!   
AppConfig[:public_url] = "http://localhost:8081/public"
AppConfig[:frontend_proxy_url] = proc { "http://#{AppConfig[:hostname]}/admin" }
AppConfig[:public_proxy_url] = proc { "http://#{AppConfig[:hostname]}/public" }

apache conf:

    ProxyPass /admin     http://localhost:8088/admin
    ProxyPass /public   http://localhost:8081/public

Which mostly works. 

On the admin welcome page (after login) I’m missing these assets: 

http://localhost/assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
http://localhost/assets/icomoon/icomoon.woff?-z7cehr Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
http://localhost/assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
http://localhost/assets/icomoon/icomoon.ttf?-z7cehr Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
http://localhost/assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

which, I assume is what is causing some glyphs (which I had thought were images) to come up as empty squares.

And when looking at Collections in the public interface, I get the missing Components 
(with a constant 'busy loading’ icon ) that was reported in a previous message by Reid, Sarah N.

Chrome Console error message is:

GET http://d-172-25-72-74.bootp.virginia.edu/publictree?uri=%2Frepositories%2F8%2Fresources%2F12 404 (Not Found)bH.ajaxTransport.e.send @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:25bH.extend.ajax @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:25a.add_children @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:25(anonymous function) @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:25bH.extend.each @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:14bH.fn.bH.each @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:14(anonymous function) @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:25bH.Callbacks.i @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:25bH.Callbacks.cc.fireWith @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:25bH.extend.ready @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:25bY @ application-a05f22ac3ad515fde2728c1832af5791.js:25

And it I insert a ‘/‘ between ‘public’ and ‘tree’ in that URL above, 

http://d-172-25-72-74.bootp.virginia.edu/public/tree?uri=%2Frepositories%2F8%2Fresources%2F12 <http://d-172-25-72-74.bootp.virginia.edu/public/tree?uri=/repositories/8/resources/12>

and try it in the browser, I get back some JSON that looks like what the AJAX calls are expecting:

{"self":{"title":"Alderman Family Papers","id":12,"node_type":"resource","publish":true,"suppressed":false,"record_uri":"/repositories/8/resources/12","level":"collection","jsonmodel_type":"resource_tree","instance_types":[],"containers":[],"has_children":false},"path_to_root":[],"direct_children":[]}

I just found that a few minutes ago, so I haven’t yet found the source of that bug. 

— Steve Majewski

> On Jul 22, 2015, at 2:27 PM, David Hietpas <hietpasd at uwosh.edu> wrote:
> Thanks Chris.  I saw the version number and assumed it would work from 1.0.2 and up.
> I tried what you suggested yesterday without success.  I've attached a screenshot with what is happening with my config information with the setup you suggested.
> config.rb:
> AppConfig[:backend_url] = "http://localhost:8092 <http://localhost:8092/>"
> AppConfig[:frontend_url] = "http://localhost:8090 <http://localhost:8090/>"
> AppConfig[:solr_url] = "http://localhost:8093 <http://localhost:8093/>"
> AppConfig[:public_url] = "http://localhost:8091 <http://localhost:8091/>"
> AppConfig[:frontend_proxy_url] = "http://localhost/archivesspace/frontend <http://localhost/archivesspace/frontend>"
> AppConfig[:public_proxy_url] = "http://localhost/archivesspace/public <http://localhost/archivesspace/public>"
> Apache:
>     RewriteRule ^/archivesspace/frontend$ http://localhost:8090/ <http://localhost:8090/> [L,P]
>     RewriteRule ^/archivesspace/frontend/(.*)$ http://localhost:8090/$1 <http://localhost:8090/$1> [L,P]
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Chris Fitzpatrick <Chris.Fitzpatrick at lyrasis.org <mailto:Chris.Fitzpatrick at lyrasis.org>> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Wow, this documentation is extremely outdated ( from v1.0.2 ). 
> I'll update this. 
> But the new way for adding this is to use the proxy_url settings in the config.rb file: 
> https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/blob/master/common/config/config-defaults.rb#L156-L157 <https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/blob/master/common/config/config-defaults.rb#L156-L157>
> Change your url that you're proxying here, like 
> AppConfig[:public_proxy_url] = "http://my.aspace.edu/public <http://my.aspace.edu/public>"
> AppConfig[:frontend_proxy_url] = "http://my.aspace.edu/staff <http://my.aspace.edu/staff>"
> Does that make sense? No need to compile from source for this...
> b,chris. 
> Chris Fitzpatrick | Developer, ArchivesSpace
> Skype: chrisfitzpat  | Phone: 918.236.6048
> http://archivesspace.org/ <http://archivesspace.org/>
> From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org <mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> <archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org <mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org>> on behalf of David Hietpas <hietpasd at uwosh.edu <mailto:hietpasd at uwosh.edu>>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 6:34 PM
> To: Archivesspace Users Group
> Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Mysql connector issues with a source build
> Hi Brian,
> As I mentioned in the original email, I'm following the instructions posted from ArchivesSpace Github to setup a installation with prefixes (https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/blob/master/README_PREFIX.md <https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/blob/master/README_PREFIX.md>).  I have to use prefixes at our institute, I can't use sub-domains due to policies.
> When I start with the original zip file, I don't run into this problem and the app starts up fine.  However, I'm plagued with url issues (css, js, assets, etc...) from the app when setting up the application with prefixes through Apache.
> Thanks.
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Brian Hoffman <brianjhoffman at gmail.com <mailto:brianjhoffman at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Why are you building the application from source rather than just downloading the zip and starting there? Can you confirm that you have the same problem when you start from the ZIP file?
> Brian
> On Jul 22, 2015, at 11:07 AM, David Hietpas <hietpasd at uwosh.edu <mailto:hietpasd at uwosh.edu>> wrote:
>> Due to Archon migrations, I installed Aspace v1.0.4 (https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/releases/tag/v1.0.4 <https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/releases/tag/v1.0.4>) without issue but our University will not allow sub-domains so I have to use the Prefix method explained here (https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/blob/master/README_PREFIX.md <https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/blob/master/README_PREFIX.md>)
>> So I reinstalled using the 1.0.4 from the source code adding the config/config.rb with the proper prefixes just as instructed.  I ran "build/run dist".  Unzipped the compiled code.  I put the mysql-connector-java.jar in the archivesspace/lib directory like I had in the working version above.  I've attached a screenshot.
>> It can't find the mysql-connector-java though it is in the lib directory of Archivesspace.  I've drop the exact version 5.1.13 as well as the newest.  It works perfectly fine in the non-source version but not the source build version.
>> Error: http://pastebin.com/FQVJEjEi <http://pastebin.com/FQVJEjEi>
>> Please advise.  Thanks.
>> -- 
>> David Hietpas
>> University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
>> hietpasd at uwosh.edu <mailto:hietpasd at uwosh.edu> | 920-424-0291
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> -- 
> David Hietpas
> University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
> hietpasd at uwosh.edu <mailto:hietpasd at uwosh.edu> | 920-424-0291
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> -- 
> David Hietpas
> University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
> hietpasd at uwosh.edu <mailto:hietpasd at uwosh.edu> | 920-424-0291
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