[Archivesspace_Users_Group] What is the role of digital_object_components ?

Steven Majewski sdm7g at virginia.edu
Tue Feb 17 19:08:00 EST 2015

On Feb 16, 2015, at 1:58 PM, Brad Westbrook <brad.westbrook at lyrasis.org> wrote:

> Hi, Steve,
> Digital object components are for modeling and structuring complex digital objects, that is, digital objects in which rendering of the intellectual content requires two or more digital files.  
> There's a couple of examples in our teaching instance at demo.archivesspace.org.   Feel free to look at:
> http://demo.archivesspace.org:8081/repositories/2/digital_objects/2
> http://demo.archivesspace.org:8081/repositories/2/digital_objects/45
> http://demo.archivesspace.org:8081/repositories/2/digital_objects/6 
> Hope this helps.
> Brad W.

Thanks, Brad. This helps me figure out the possible encodings, but I’m more confused that ever about how we should be encoding things.  

[A] The three cases above could be classified as:

 [1] A letter with two page images. 
 [2] Multiple objects ( a letter and two photographs )         [ Shouldn’t  this be better modeled as separate digital objects and/or archival objects ? ] 
 [3] A complex object with different parts and representations. 

[B] In our EAD files that I’ve imported into ArchivesSpace, typically multipage letters have been encoded as a <daogrp> 
with each page URI encoded as a <daoloc> .   Single page images are usually just encoded as a <dao>. 

In our best practices guidelines ( as well as some others I’ve looked up on the web ) there are actually two usage
examples for <daogrp> :  multiple page images where the @role attribute indicates “page 1”, “page 2” … etc. ,  ( same as case A#1 above)
and different representations of the same physical object, where @role indicates “thumbnail” , “high resolution” , for example. 
( could be considered a simple version of case A#3. ) 

I don’t think we have used the 2nd case in our legacy EAD finding aids, however we have been using Fedora for all of our new 
digital material, where we not only have methods for different image displays ( thumbnail, full-size, scaled images ) but we also have
a separate Fedora Digital Object for the multipage letter, with links to the separate page image objects. 
( Correction: It looks like we may have a few where <daogrp> contains links to multiple page images and a TEI representation. )

[C]  Those <daogrp>’s import into ArchivesSpace as a single digital object with file_versions for each <daoloc>. 
       There doesn’t seem to be any mapping between digital_object_components and any EAD elements. 
       The only mention in the mapping I saw was this note "Should these end up being components?” below. 
        I edited one of my digital_objects to change it to using digital_object_components for each page instead of file_versions,
        and it didn’t appear to export any of those URI’s in the EAD.  So it looks like digital_object_components are not yet fully supported. 

<daogrp>	EACH <daoloc> within <daogrp> treated as individual file_versions within a single digital_object instance.	instance.instance_type = digital_object	Should these end up being components?	
  @role	 	instance.digital_object.file_versions[].use_statement	 	
  @href	 	instance.digital_object.file_versions[].uri	 	
  @label	 	instance.digital_object.file_versions[].title	 	
  <daodesc>	 	instance.digital_object.title	 	

[D] So it seems we have at least two different use cases to represent, 
      one way of encoding in EAD where you can indicate use-case/semantics with @role ( but you need to standardize on some meaningful tags, 
      and while ASpace will preserve those @role values, I don’t think it applies any semantics to the values. ) 
      and two or more ambiguous ways to represent them in ArchivesSpace, only one of which is fully supported for EAD import/export. 
     ( I have not yet had a chance to look into how digital_objects, file_versions, and digital_object_components are exported in MODS and METS ). 

So I’m actually more confused than when I started. 

I would be happy to hear comments from others about how they plan to use and encode digital objects in ArchivesSpace. 

— Steve Majewski / UVA Alderman Library

> -----Original Message-----
> From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org [mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org] On Behalf Of Steven Majewski
> Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 12:54 PM
> To: Archivesspace Users Group
> Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] What is the role of digital_object_components ?
> What is the role of digital_object_components ? 
> I have a number of digital objects imported into my system, some with several files,  but zero digital_object_components .
> The digital_object schema doesn't seem to have a link to a digital_object_component, however
> the digital_object_component does have a digital_object link.   The hierarchy seems to be the opposite
> of what the names would suggest to me.  
> - Steve Majewski
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