[Archivesspace_Users_Group] MARC to EAD for ArchivesSpace import stylesheet

Kari R Smith smithkr at mit.edu
Tue Dec 1 20:40:19 EST 2015

This is great - thanks for sharing, Nicole!  I copied the ArchivesSpace User Group as well.

Kari Smith
From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB at LISTSERV.ND.EDU] on behalf of Smeltekop, Nicole [nicole at MAIL.LIB.MSU.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 13:36
Subject: [CODE4LIB] MARC to EAD for ArchivesSpace import stylesheet

Hi all,

I've developed a stylesheet that will convert MARC records to EAD for import into ArchivesSpace using MarcEdit.  This is really useful for those migrating from platforms other than Archon or AT who have catalog records for collections.

It's available here: https://github.com/MSU-Libraries/MARCtoEADforASpace.

Just a few notes:

*        This stylesheet maps MARC bibliographic data to the ASpace flavor of EAD.  If your finding aid needs container listings added, you'll have to add those in manually, as they are not part of the MARC bib record.  I've indicated where to do that in the stylesheet.

*        There's also some required MARC fields for the stylesheet to output required ASpace fields (such as the 300).  If original MARC record doesn't have these fields, you'll get an error when importing into ArchivesSpace. The error log does tell you if you are missing something (for a missing 300 field, it's an extent statement), so you can add that into the EAD file.

*        This stylesheet includes fields not in the LC MARC to EAD crosswalk.  They were fields used in our records (such as 590s or 246s) that import into ASpace as notes with a header using the Marc field title.

Let me know if you have any questions or issues.  As I mention in my github, I'm a newbie, so if anyone sees places to improve the code, please let me know!



Nicole Garrett Smeltekop
Special Materials Catalog Librarian
Michigan State University Libraries
366 W. Circle Drive, Room W108C
East Lansing, MI 48824
nicole at msu.edu<mailto:nicole at msu.edu>

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