[Archivesspace_Users_Group] partially update a record through API

Mang Sun mang.sun at rice.edu
Thu Nov 20 12:34:42 EST 2014

I am trying to partially update accession records by setting PUBLISH to 
false using REST API, but I can't get it done successfully.
For example, run the following command to update one accession record,
curl_as username password -d "@accession.json" -v "the AS API 

accession.json contains
"publish" : false

but I get the following complaints

{"error":{"id_0":["Property is required but was 
missing"],"accession_date":["Property is required but was 
{\"publish\"=>true, \"jsonmodel_type\"=>\"accession\", 
\"external_ids\"=>[], \"related_accessions\"=>[], \"subjects\"=>[], 
\"linked_events\"=>[], \"extents\"=>[], \"dates\"=>[], 
\"external_documents\"=>[], \"rights_statements\"=>[], 
\"deaccessions\"=>[], \"related_resources\"=>[], 
\"restrictions_apply\"=>false, \"access_restrictions\"=>false, 
\"use_restrictions\"=>false, \"linked_agents\"=>[], \"instances\"=>[]}>"}

Any idea?

Mang Sun
Rice U.

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