[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Finding Aid Data mapping to Summary (public view)

De Catanzaro, Christine D christine.decatanzaro at library.gatech.edu
Thu Jul 10 16:27:06 EDT 2014

Hi again,

Another issue that's been troubling us here at Georgia Tech:

The public view of some of our finding aids is mapping the wrong fields to the list of results. For example, the Harold Bush-Brown Papers appears in the list of results as:  Inventory of the Harold Bush-Brown Papers, <date calendar="gregorian" normal="1872/1978" era="ce" type="inclusive">1872-1978 </date><date calendar="gregorian" normal="1918/1977" era="ce" type="bulk">(bulk 1918-1977)</date> DM002, complete with all the encoding. This is the "Finding Aid Title" field in the Finding Aid Data tab of Archivists' Toolkit, and not the "Title" field in the Basic Description tab of AT.

Furthermore, when you click on the title in the list of results, the title again appears as above, and the Summary information appears like this (this is unformatted; I'm just providing the text here):


Finding Aid Author
    Charlene Hsu Gross, Christine de Catanzaro
Finding Aid Date
    Copyright June 2010.
Description Rules
    Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of Description
    Finding aid is written in <language langcode="eng" encodinganalog="546" scriptcode="Latn">English.</language>

These fields are mapping from the "Finding Aid Data" tab of AT rather than from the "Basic Description" tab. We want the basic DACS information in the Summary, which should be Repository, Creator, Language of Collection, etc.

Any thoughts on why this could be happening, and what we can do to correct it?

Thanks again,


Christine D. de Catanzaro, Ph.D., M.L.I.S.
Access Archivist
Subject Librarian - Music

Georgia Tech Archives
Library & Learning Excellence
Georgia Institute of Technology
266 4th Street, NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0900

Phone: 404-385-0107
Fax: 404-894-9421

E-mail: decatanzaro at gatech.edu 

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