[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Order of Subject Terms in Exported EAD and MARC

Kate Tasker ktasker at library.berkeley.edu
Mon Aug 4 17:14:26 EDT 2014

Hello All,

Would anyone be able to shed light on some odd behavior we're encountering
with subject term headings and subdivisions?

We created a new test subject record with two terms: Bugs (topical) and
California (geographic). The linked subject in the Resource Record displays
as Bugs--California, and we want the main heading to be topical with a
geographic subdivision. However, when we export the EAD, it's encoded as
<geogname source="local">California -- bugs</geogname>. I'm puzzled as to
why the terms were reversed, and why the capital B changed to a lowercase
in the word Bugs.

The MARC export separates this heading as a geographic term, too:

<datafield ind1=" " ind2="7" tag="651">
<subfield code="a">California</subfield>
<subfield code="x">bugs</subfield>
<subfield code="2">local</subfield>

Curiously, we had previously linked a similar subject record to the same
Resource, using the terms Entomology (topical) and California (geographic),
which displays as Entomology--California and exports as  <subject
source="lcsh">Entomology -- California</subject>.

Is there a bug with our Bugs? (Or might this be an issue with our local
pest control techniques?)

Thank you for any help or suggestions!


Kate Tasker
Digital Archivist
The Bancroft Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
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