[Archivesspace_uac] UAC end of term bulletin - May 2023

Regina Carra rcarra at folkartmuseum.org
Fri May 19 11:23:19 EDT 2023

Hello UAC,
This email is essentially a recap of what we discussed at the last meeting
but since it was a lot of information and the meeting included a small
group, I thought it best to resend as an email with fun emojis.

*📢Council Retrospective:*
Please continue to contribute your thoughts to this document
particularly if you were not able to attend the last meeting. I will
compile everything and share a final retrospective at our next meeting.
Soft deadline for contributions will be June 2. Thanks!

*👉End of Term Stuff*

*💁Helpful links:*

   - The master's thesis version of this email is in the Handbook on the
   page Considerations for the End of Term
   Look here for in-depth directions as well as links to all Council subteam
   retrospectives from last year.
   - Term transitions are confusing and have a lot of moving parts! Luckily
   there is an official timeline
   that describes everyone's part.

*In a nut shell....*

*✏To do list:*


   Identify Vice Lead for next term (or make timeline for identifying Vice
   Lead next term. Please ensure this task is stated in your retrospective as
   a "to-do" for next term)

   Complete sub-team retrospective (add as separate page to wiki and link
   to June agenda when available). Think about what worked, what didn't work,
   and goals/considerations for next term. Write down any major decisions made
   by the sub-team throughout the term.

   Tie up projects/make sure documents are saved to Confluence or Google
   Drive with proper permissions. You can give permissions to
   archivesspacehome[at]gmail[dot]com, if needed.

*🗓Calendar of events for term transition:*

June- end of term retrospectives due by June meeting; new cohort notified
of acceptance to Council

July- typically a slow month for Councils. Subteams may or may not meet.
Subteam leads should create new wiki space for term. Look out for Doodles!
New Member Orientation.

August/September- Council and subteams begin meetings again. Begin
drafting/finalizing work plans and setting goals

October-Joint TAC/UAC meeting, work plans must be finalized by this meeting
at the latest

If you have any questions about this, please email myself and Suzanne.
And as always, thank you for all you do.🤗


*Regina Carra **(she/her/hers)*
Rapaport Archivist
American Folk Art Museum

*https://folkartmuseum.org/ <https://folkartmuseum.org/>*
Administrative Office, Archives, and Collection Center
47-29 32nd Place
Long Island City, NY 11101
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