[Archivesspace_small_archives_users_group] ArchivesSpace Update - February 2022

Jessica Crouch Jessica.Crouch at lyrasis.org
Mon Feb 28 11:52:56 EST 2022

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Upcoming Schedule at a Glance:

March 4: Take a Break with ArchivesSpace returns<https://archivesspace.org/archives/7294>

March 8: SNAC Cooperative Presentation on the ArchivesSpace/SNAC plugin<https://virginia.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqdeuvpz4vGtOv65JpTcaOjQUO9nEPWSrD> (co-sponsored event)

March 21-22: ArchivesSpace 4th annual Online Forum<https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/3036282881/ArchivesSpace+Online+Forum+2022>

March 23: Submissions due for the ArchivesSpace Inclusive Examples Project<https://archivesspace.org/archives/7309>


ArchivesSpace is announcing the availability of v3.2.0. You can download it at https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/releases/.

This release marks the previously announced transition to external Solr. Links to documentation, a tutorial video, and other information are available at https://archivesspace.org/archives/7151.

Beyond external Solr, there are several items to note in the release:

  *   The Smithsonian worked with Hudson Molonglo to improve the ARKs feature. The scope of the work is described at https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/pull/2437.
  *   There is a new custom reports feature that was worked on by several developers, including former Tech Lead Laney McGlohon.
  *   Other highlights include small improvements to the spreadsheet importers, a new page within the application for downloading templates, and various small bug fixes and features prioritized by the Development Prioritization sub-team.

Thanks to all of the community members who contributed code for this release: Andrew Morrison, Blake Carver, Dean Farrell, Jacob Shelby, James Bullen, Laney McGlohon, Lora Woodford, Mario Terranova, Mark Triggs, Michael Glanznig, Payten Giles, and Saron Tran. As always, program team members Brian Hoffman and Mark Cooper, as well as contractors Manny Rodriguez and Brian Zelip, wrote and/or reviewed substantial code for the release. Thanks also to our community groups, especially the Testing sub-team, for their efforts.

More information about what’s in the release and the link to download it are at https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/releases. Information on upgrading to a new version of ArchivesSpace is available at https://archivesspace.github.io/tech-docs/administration/upgrading.html.

This is the fall 2021 release from the roadmap<https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/2634973195/Roadmap+as+of+January+2022> that was originally projected for December. Items that were projected for this release that did not make it in have been shifted to future releases.

Take a Break with ArchivesSpace returns March 4

Whether you’ve continued to work from home, have returned to the office, or find yourself stuck somewhere in the middle, we could all use a break.  In that spirit, ArchivesSpace will be reinstating our popular casual zoom open calls on Fridays. With a welcoming and robust member community all over the world, ArchivesSpace can offer camaraderie and relaxation, no matter the current state of the world.

Beginning next Friday, March 4th, we will have casual open calls via zoom at 12pm ET each Friday. We won’t be developing agendas or presentations for these calls. We just want to provide an opportunity to connect, chat and recharge. Use this as a time to get help or talk about ArchivesSpace (or anything else) in an informal setting or just have a beverage with other ArchivesSpace users during this stressful time.

Whether you can attend once or plan to be there every Friday, these calls are open to everyone but registration is required to join.

Register to join any open call at https://lyrasis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcldOGuqjotE9cNSaa6j45issVCKrEQKQYv

We seek to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe community experience for everyone. The full text of the code of conduct is available at https://archivesspace.org/archivesspace-code-of-conduct.

Please email ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org with any questions.

SNAC Cooperative Presentation Announcement: ArchivesSpace/SNAC plugin

[Posted on behalf of our colleagues at the SNAC cooperative]

The SNAC Cooperative is developing an ArchivesSpace plugin to facilitate efficient data exchange. An hour long presentation demonstrating the functional features of the plugin with following discussion is scheduled for March 8, 2022, 2:00pm ET/11:00am PT. The presenters will be Jason Jordan, software developer at the University of Virginia Library, and Daniel Pitti, director of the SNAC Cooperative.

Date: March 8, 2022

Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm ET (11:00am – 12:00pm PT)

Where: zoom

Registration: https://virginia.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqdeuvpz4vGtOv65JpTcaOjQUO9nEPWSrD

From within ArchivesSpace, the demonstration will cover both pulling data from and pushing data to SNAC. Though pushing data to SNAC will require being a member of the SNAC Cooperative, any ArchivesSpace user will be able to pull data from SNAC.

In particular the demonstration will cover:

  *   SNAC environment management in ArchivesSpace preferences
  *   Import of SNAC agents to new ArchivesSpace agents
  *   Export of ArchivesSpace agents (optionally including linked resources) to SNAC
  *   Export of ArchivesSpace record descriptions (optionally including linked agents) to SNAC
  *   Linking ArchivesSpace agents/record descriptions to existing SNAC agents and resource descriptions
  *   Unlinking ArchivesSpace agents/record descriptions from existing SNAC agents and resource descriptions

The SNAC plugin ia available on Github: https://github.com/snac-cooperative/snac_aspace_plugin

The session will be recorded and made available as soon as feasible after the presentation at https://portal.snaccooperative.org/node/501

If you have questions about the presentation or questions about the SNAC Cooperative, please feel free to contact the Cooperative at snac.cooperative at gmail.com<mailto:snac.cooperative at gmail.com>

Registration now open: 2022 ArchivesSpace Online Forum

Registration is now open<https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/3036282881/ArchivesSpace+Online+Forum+2022> for the 4th annual ArchivesSpace Online Forum!

Taking place March 21-22, 2022, our online forum will be a two-day event spanning a variety of time zones and ArchivesSpace experience levels. Anyone who uses ArchivesSpace or is interested in ArchivesSpace is welcome to attend.

As in years past, this free event will include a mix of opportunities to share and learn from each other about many different aspects of ArchivesSpace.


Presentations will be held March 21 from 5pm-8pm UTC / 10am-1pm PT / 1-4pm ET / 5pm-8pm GMT / 6-9pm CET (find your local time<https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ArchivesSpace+Online+Forum&iso=20220321T17&p1=1440&ah=3>).

Discussion sessions will be held March 22 from 1pm-4pm UTC / 6am-9am PT / 9am-12pm ET / 1pm-4pm GMT / 2pm-5pm CET (find your local time<https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ArchivesSpace+Online+Forum+Day+2&iso=20220322T13&p1=1440&ah=3>).


All online via Zoom, with opportunities to join via computer or phone.

Who Can Attend:

Anyone using or interested in using ArchivesSpace is welcome to attend some or all of the sessions on these days.  This is a free event but registration is required.

Online registration:


Registrations for each day of the Forum are separate. You will need to register for each day you are interested in attending to guarantee your spot. Registration is linked in the agenda at the top of each day.

We anticipate recording many parts of the forum, but for it to be a success we will also need as many live participants as possible. We encourage you to dip in and out of the live program as much as you can. You will no doubt “meet” a different set of colleagues each time.

Please feel free to contact ArchivesSpace Community Engagement Coordinator Jessica Crouch at ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org with questions.

We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Call for feedback: Metadata Standards Subteam Online Forum discussion

Do you have MARC records for your archival holdings? Then you probably have 300 fields. The MARC 300 “Physical Description” field contains extent information critical for archival control of material, like 34 linear feet, or 12 boxes (10 cubic feet).

The current AS MARC importer<https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/blob/master/backend/app/converters/lib/marcxml_bib_base_map.rb#L868> only parses the 300 field according to one very specific pattern, and otherwise defaults to “1 linear feet.” This means that anyone doing bulk import of MARC records may be silently wiping out their archivist-supplied extents without realizing it. A recent ticket<https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1260> also noted that 300$f fields are ignored entirely.

What we would like to hear from the community is how your 300 fields are structured, and how you would want 300 fields parsed on import. Sample data will help us make recommendations on what should be happening. For example, this is a common construction (from LC) that is NOT handled by the MARC importer:

300 ǂa 5 ǂf boxes ǂa (3 ǂf linear ft.)

A discussion based on that sample might be: Should this pattern be supported? How should this be parsed?  How should all of that punctuation be handled?

The Metadata Standards subgroup will take what it learns and develop a specification for the desired behavior, but we need to hear from you.

Community contribution requested in the ArchivesSpace Inclusive Examples Project

In the wake of the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor murders, and in the spirit of protest that followed, the ArchivesSpace community began a conversation about what it could do to promote diversity and inclusion while combating systemic racism in our field. That continuing conversation has led to a series of initiatives<https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/1737261057> that we will undertake in the coming years, including an Inclusive Examples project<https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/3053748225/Inclusive+Examples+Project>.

For this important project, ArchivesSpace is delighted to be working with Brittany Newberry of Georgia State University to update the examples provided in its workshop materials and test databases. We want the examples to be more representative of the diverse institutions that use ArchivesSpace.

We are interested in adding examples from the ArchivesSpace user community. Below is a list of record types and collection types for which we are looking. In addition, we have created an agreement<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TkNNuGKsb2BinuG-8HpJxMDrzCsNK9EP/edit?rtpof=true&sd=true> to provide information and expectations for how the data shared will be used.

If you are interested in participating, please email a signed agreement<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TkNNuGKsb2BinuG-8HpJxMDrzCsNK9EP/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100746195909280994463&rtpof=true&sd=true> and the records you'd like to share in one of the formats listed. Email ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org by Wednesday, March 23 and we will forward your submission to Brittany Newberry for review. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Possible Examples:

Types of Records:

  *   Resource records (EAD, MarcXML, CSV, Excel spreadsheet)
  *   Accessions (MarcXML, Excel spreadsheet, CSV)
  *   Digital Objects (CSV, Excel Spreadsheet)
  *   Subjects and Agents (MarcXML, Excel spreadsheet, CSV, EAC-CPF)

Types of Institutions/Collections

  *   Academic/University records
  *   Corporate/Business archives
  *   Government
  *   Religious
  *   Non-profit/community
  *   Minority-serving
  *   Museum
  *   Public Library
  *   Historical Society
  *   BIPOC
  *   LGBTQ+
  *   Music/arts

Data should be in a format that can easily be ingested into ArchivesSpace. Templates<https://archivesspace.org/using-archivesspace/migration-tools-and-data-mapping> are available for the record types where CSV or spreadsheet formats are indicated. Please contact ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org if you have questions about how to prepare your data.

Program Announcement: ArchivesSpace Member Match program update

The ArchivesSpace Member Engagement sub-team will soon begin accepting applications for the second cohort of the ArchivesSpace Member Match program.

The Member Match program is an initiative to engage the ArchivesSpace membership community, created and organized by the Member Engagement sub-team of the ArchivesSpace User Advisory Council, with support from the ArchivesSpace Community Engagement Coordinator. The program is intended to be a resource and venue for peer-to-peer support between ArchivesSpace members. For one, year-long term, Member Match participants will be matched with a member with whom they can receive and offer professional insight, advice, and comradery. The program will also offer participants the opportunity to engage in exclusive events and enlightening discussions about ArchivesSpace and its active user community.

Thanks to valuable feedback from the first cohort of Member Match Participants, we’ve implemented the following updates to the program:

  *   Monthly Listserv Discussion Topics
     *   Each month, a member of the Member Engagement sub-team will reach out to the Member Match listserv to spur discussion and encourage continued engagement between matches.
  *   Quarterly Member Match Meet-Ups
     *   These will be opportunities for large group socializing as well as the potential for dedicated time to spend with matches in breakout rooms.
  *   Option to participate in small group matches of 3 people

Any individual affiliated with an ArchivesSpace member organization is eligible to participate in the ArchivesSpace Member Match program and there is no limit to the number of individuals from a member organization that may participate.

If you are unsure of your organization’s ArchivesSpace membership status, visit https://archivesspace.org/community/whos-using-archivesspace or email ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org<mailto:ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org>.

To Learn More:

Visit the Member Match wiki: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/2198568994/ArchivesSpace+Member+Match+Program

Please feel free to direct any questions to ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org

Recording available: Virtual ArchivesSpace Assessments Module Training February 23, 2022

Thank you to everyone who attended the ArchivesSpace Assessments Module Training on February 23. During this workshop, ArchivesSpace trainer Brittany Newberry will cover using the assessments module in ArchivesSpace including completing assessments in ArchivesSpace, adding values to the assessments template and importing assessments using CSV.  A recording of this training is now available on the Community-Wide training page<https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/2331148319/ArchivesSpace+Community-Wide+Virtual+Training> of the wiki.

Membership Update

We are excited to welcome our newest members to our community! Our new members since January 31 include:

  *   Christchurch City Libraries, (Christchurch, New Zealand)
  *   Presbyterian Church of Victoria Archives, (Victoria, Australia)
  *   Township of Brick, New Jersey, (Brick, NJ)

As of February 28, we have 464 General members, 22 Educational Program members, and 3 Registered Service Providers. If you are interested in your institution becoming a member of ArchivesSpace, please email us at ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org<mailto:ArchivesSpaceHome at lyrasis.org> for more information.


ArchivesSpace monthly updates provide news about ArchivesSpace community and program activities and are sent to our member listservs, the ArchivesSpace Google Group, and SAA’s Collection Management Section listserv, as well as being posted on the ArchivesSpace website. Please feel free to share this update with people you know who have an interest in ArchivesSpace but may not be on one of these lists.

Jessica Dowd Crouch
Community Engagement Coordinator for ArchivesSpace
jessica.crouch at lyrasis.org<mailto:jessica.crouch at lyrasis.org>

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