[nfais-l] Want to learn more about Blockchain? Hurry to reserve your seat by 4-13 for these two NFAIS events.

Benjamin Maverick Turley bturley at nfais.org
Wed Apr 11 15:58:11 EDT 2018

Please Disregard Earlier Email, Corrected Links Are Below:

 2018 NFAIS Blockchain For Scholarly Publishing Conference

Date: May 15 - 16, 2018

Location: Embassy Suites Old Town Alexandria

Link:  http://www.nfais.org/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=72&eventId=544203&orgId=nfais&recurringId=0


The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS) is bringing together the entire information services community on May 15 - 16, 2018 in Old Town Alexandria to explore blockchain's potential application for scholarly publishing.  These are just a few of topics we'll explore:

  *   What happens when library information flows are disrupted by blockchain? Jason Griffey, Affiliate Fellow at Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, discusses possible fallout, potential new DRM systems, and the re-decentralization of metadata collections.
  *   Learn how blockchain can be used to connect scientific researchers with funding sources and for managing researcher grant funding. Jason Barkeloo, Founder and Chair of Knowbella Tech reviews case studies of applications that are gaining traction.
  *   Record keeping is arguably the defining feature of scholarship. It is precisely the difference between the "famous" scientists who wrote down their observations and the equally intelligent but forgotten geniuses who did not. Moreover, only those records that were durable, legible, and able to be transmitted and copied faithfully over time, have significant impact. Christopher Wilmer, managing editor of "Ledger", the first peer-reviewed scholarly journal for blockchain technology research, will discuss how blockchain can solve, and dramatically simplify, many of these challenges.
NFAIS' Blockchain for Scholarly Publishing conference will answers the following questions so you can begin to build your organization's strategy.

  *   What changes can be expected of existing architectures and business models?
  *   How will horizontal access between publishers change discovery?
  *   What impact will blockchain have on existing workflow tools?
  *   What type of investment should libraries, publishers, and discovery services anticipate?
  *   What new skills will your staff require?
  *   What roles might funders play?
  *   How will different stakeholders come together to achieve interoperability of a decentralized system?

RESERVE YOUR SEAT NOW! EARLY BIRD RATES END FRIDAY, APRIL 13TH<http://www.nfais.org/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=72&eventId=544203&orgId=nfais&recurringId=0>

CLICK HERE<https://nfais.memberclicks.net/2018-blockchain-program> FOR AGENDA


Still confused about blockchain and need an introductory course? NFAIS partners with the CAS Innovation Lab to provide a primer on blockchain technology in advance of the May 15-16, 2018 Blockchain for Scholarly Publishing Conference<https://clicks.memberclicks-mail.net/wf/click?upn=8Cevf6VcjoH-2FQiPZS5m18aI0XcC3ia4udmcTjgr-2BSMfZIzhb2RBPPwMyDmz98cAuvOXqGev2YDdxmF1xQkwUm258ClAQEzxHmYEoeIe-2BijnohbxuiAwgh-2BzYq1-2B1Lbk7_sRz-2Bh9G4kiUDKiMtIOUgfljx5IiAPIRgLOuvjRPJ3oO1QIKR9SSbjUELXzL1d1olRml9HM9DyO0y9xAItbzstK9YVhopdWYXGUrY9kKjmgMTFrxbq-2FaS8e4SvwKo-2BGWFlIz81g2GvUL80mQ9vyA7QCxwdTOzVvae8ThgwNMZGFkrpzpTDMrpD9TzMUFI-2FdGDjyxW75-2FzZI5quQgOCu7IHKKT5TXF1llGNoDUBhNDoNIKDui2dOjWOzAfRg-2Bgg3voF-2Fh9KYqYte9MYe9wZGWhWJEP7fVvWgpzm88zmm2KqeU62WjcUV1eT2bQ7aEw68DHdDRNsS8fOwxxSDZrf7r1Ig-3D-3D> being hosted by NFAIS. If you're new to or curious about blockchain, NFAIS and CAS provide a safe space to gain a basic understanding of blockchain, bitcoin and hashes. All registered attendees of the NFAIS Blockchain for Scholarly Research Conference will receive a free registration to the NFAIS webinar, Blockchain 101: What it is and what it's not<https://nfais.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=72&eventId=544991>, on Tuesday, April 24 at 12:00 - 12:45 pm EDT.  Click here<https://nfais.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=72&eventId=544991> for more information or to register.


801 Compass Way, Suite 201, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: (443) 221-2980 || Fax: (443) 221-2981

NFAISTM: Serving the Global Information Community

NFAIS would like to thank the following sponsor of this event:


For information about becoming a sponsor, contact Benjamin "Maverick" Turley at bturley at nfais.org<mailto:bturley at nfais.org> or call 443-221-2980 ext. 103


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