[Learning] Free LYRASIS Webinar: Managing a Remote Team

Annie Peterson Annie.Peterson at lyrasis.org
Thu May 21 14:13:45 EDT 2020


LYRASIS During COVID-19 Crisis


Free LYRASIS Webinar: Managing a Remote Team
Wednesday, June 3, 11:00 AM - 12 Noon Eastern


As teams have shifted remotely in response to Covid-19, managers and leaders accustomed to working with their teams face to face have shifted to new ways of working. This webinar will provide tips for those new to managing remote workers on effectively managing teams in a new, virtual environment. The presenters will cover skills to improve virtual communication and consider productivity and burnout in a virtual environment.

The webinar will provide an opportunity for managers of remote teams to reflect on the communication systems and policies they set up in responding to Covid-19, assess whether they are still working, and improve modes of communication and collaboration as teams continue to work remotely or in hybrid remote and in-person environments.

Instructor: Erin Tripp, Director, Research and Innovation Division, LYRASIS

Register for more classes coming up here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001TLIZskwIZiru9CqI4Ex-tas7-XjDNdD_lFVqgBLV0yH5eS0t-mI-4kNqSm2a08cIps-n7dTwmJ6p09tUGrU6UriIv91b9VWdyVmzmMDXswnr3piNnSdFiAlWHTS8PfGjIpGRTtzNQZHAcz-Js8JLbE_SbPJfR_EHyiKQzHhwU9ukkfOcGM8Dhk7whnAbNQNje6nosXN3Fa2xfTwDLXyfDA==&c=M04LNZFS_dMMchBwQGWx7-w78S0qWiXFlz1ZhEihN6INwqWXNXvUdw==&ch=bWtzkMdUYMDMQBZXe_cUiGDU5W9r_mCBbl1U75Hepr6oHYR-_2T7lw==>.

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