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<div>Good afternoon,</div>
<div>Our archivists are wondering if it's possible to add record identifiers to the following areas:</div>
<div>* The record(s) in Assessments (i.e. each entry in div class="input-group linker-wrapper multiplicity-many sortable" in the edit or new Assessments screen). Currently it just has the object title, we'd like it to have the identifier concatenated too.</div>
<div>* The entries in resource trees (i.e. each entry in div class="largetree-container ui-resizable" in the edit Resources screen). Again it currently only has the object title (or display_string, for archival objects).</div>
<div>Might anyone know if there's any way to achieve this with a plugin? Has anyone done something like this before?</div>
<div>Many thanks for any suggestions!</div>
<div>Best wishes,</div>
<pre>-- <br></pre>
<div><i><font color="#000080" size="4">Nick Butler</font></i></div>
<div><i><font color="#000080" size="4">Software Developer</font></i></div>
<div><i><font color="#000080" size="4">Digital Services</font></i></div>
<div><i><font color="#000080" size="4">Cambridge University Library</font></i></div>
<div><i><font color="#000080" size="4">West Road</font></i></div>
<div><i><font color="#000080" size="4">Cambridge CB3 9DR, UK</font></i></div>
<div><i><font color="#000080" size="4"><br>
<div><a href="mailto:npwb2@cam.ac.uk"><i><font color="#000080" size="4">npwb2@cam.ac.uk</font></i></a></div>
<pre><i><font face="monospace" color="#000080" size="4"></font></i></pre>
<pre><i><div><i style="font-family: Ubuntu; font-size: 14.666666984558105px;"><font color="#000080" size="4">Internal tel: 33067</font></i></div></i></pre>