[Archivesspace_Users_Group] ASpace Team Questions

Joshua D. Shaw Joshua.D.Shaw at dartmouth.edu
Thu Feb 16 10:51:54 EST 2023

Hi Aimee

For #1 - is it just changing the value of the level of description dropdown? Or are you needing to also change the object type from archival_object to resource?

If its just changing the value, that's pretty doable. I'd probably run a quick SQL update if you have access to the db. If you don't, then you can also do that via the API, but it'll be much more tedious.

If its changing the type, that's a much bigger problem and would require using the API and some careful thought so that any descendant objects of the former series don't get orphaned.

For #2a - Yes. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ArchivesSpaceUserManual/pages/892108837/Setting+Default+Values+for+Fields

For #2b - Doable with a custom plugin. Here's an example that does something similar. The plugin would mostly be javascript for what you want to do. https://github.com/hudmol/tns_as_note_defaults

For #3 - I think the plugin in #2 would be close to what you need? With local customizations most likely.

Hope that helps!

From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org <archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> on behalf of Aimee Truitt <atruitt at ohiohistory.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 10:36 AM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org>
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ASpace Team Questions

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Hello Everyone,

Investigating some questions posed by my catalog team. Does anyone know that answer(s) to the following:

  1.  Most State Archives collections have their top level record type set to “Series.” Is there a way to change these to “Collection,” and do you have a sense of how difficult this process would be?

  1.  Is it possible to have certain fields auto-select when you create a new resource record?
     *   Example: Can “Language” and “Finding Aid Language” be se to English, and “Script of Description” set to Latin? be set to English as a default?
     *   Could the text for a field like preferred citation or finding aid title be generated based on information within the resource record? Like a formula?

  1.  Similar to above, have you seen any other ASpace users create a customized menu for “Conditions Governing Use” that includes options for common copyright situations?

Thank you for your time and help!

Best Wishes,


Aimee Truitt (she/her) | Catalog and Metadata Coordinator

Ohio History Connection | 800 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211

p. 614.297.2589  | f. 614.297.2546 | atruitt at ohiohistory.org<mailto:atruitt at ohiohistory.org>

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