[Archivesspace_Users_Group] trouble deleting some archival objects

Cobourn, Alston COBOURNA18 at ECU.EDU
Wed Feb 1 10:02:11 EST 2023


We've been running into an issue periodically where archival objects won't delete.  AS returns this message: Record deletion failed: Java::JavaSql::SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`archivesspace`.`lang_material`, CONSTRAINT `lang_material_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`archival_object_id`) REFERENCES `archival_object` (`id`))

Our wonderful IT guy explained it to me as "There's a relationship in the database that ArchivesSpace is (sometimes?) not removing when an archival object is being deleted."  He's not sure if it's an AS issue or a problem with our data.  He has solved the problem each time for us by manually removing the language_and_script object, so he can then remove the lang_material object, so I can then remove the archival_object.
More details:
    archival_object - objects have an aoID

    lang_material - objects have a langID and are related to the archival_object table via the aoID

    language_and_script - objects are related to the lang_material table via the langID

Are others running into this?  I would like to determine if this is an AS bug or something specific with our data.

Alston Cobourn, MLS, CA
Head, University History and Records
East Carolina University
Cobourna18 at ecu.edu

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