[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Index errors

Tom Hanstra hanstra at nd.edu
Mon Aug 21 16:10:33 EDT 2023

During some work done over the weekend as we were upgrading from 2.8.1 to
3.4, I ran into some indexing errors. I was getting a repeated set of
errors like this:

I, [2023-08-21T00:00:33.941952 #4859]  INFO -- : Thread-2960: Staff Indexer
[2023-08-21 00:00:33 -0400] Running index ro
E, [2023-08-21T00:00:37.025074 #4859] ERROR -- : Thread-2960:
org/jruby/RubyIO.java:2684:in `readline'
app/lib/index_state.rb:31:in `block in get_last_mtime'
org/jruby/RubyIO.java:1158:in `open'
app/lib/index_state.rb:30:in `get_last_mtime'
app/lib/periodic_indexer.rb:156:in `run_index_round'
app/lib/periodic_indexer.rb:283:in `run'
app/main.rb:32:in `block in main'
E, [2023-08-21T00:00:37.025445 #4859] ERROR -- : Thread-2960: #<EOFError:
End of file reached>

I first attempted to clean up and recreate the directory it mentions:


and that built different directories. But the errors continued to repeat. I
finally had to go to a full backup I had made and restore the entire data
directory. That allowed indexing to get back to working properly.

My questions:
- What was the actual problem here?  What file was hitting an EOFError if
these are files that are in the tmp subdirectory
- Are there any ways to address this other than to re-index (or use a
backup as I did)?

Thanks for any ideas,

*Tom Hanstra*
*Sr. Systems Administrator*
hanstra at nd.edu
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