[Archivesspace_Users_Group] AS 3.4.0 CAS configuration Issues

Ludwig Possie ludwigpossie at weber.edu
Wed Aug 9 20:36:53 EDT 2023

I'm trying to get CAS authentication setup on our AS 3.4.0 using the
lyrasis/aspace-oauth plugin.  I've tried to follow the example outlined on
the plugin.  I'm able to get as far as to the staff login page and I can
see a "CAS sign In" button on the top right, but when I press it I get the
following message, "The page you were looking for doesn't exist."  The
button links me to https://as.someuniversity.edu/staff/auth/cas

My config.rb contains the following parameters is there something that I
need to add or change?:

AppConfig[:frontend_proxy_url] = "https://as.someuniversity.edu/staff"
AppConfig[:public_proxy_url] = "https://as.someuniversity.edu/"

AppConfig[:authentication_sources] = [{

       model: 'ASOauth',

                                        provider: 'cas',
                                        label: 'CAS Sign In',
                                        slo_link: true,
                                        config: {
                                                url: '
                                                host: '
                                                ssl: true,
                                                login_url: '/login',
                                                logout_url: '/logout',

    callback_url: 'auth/cas/callback',

                                                uid_key: 'user',
                                                email_key: 'email'
                                                # more cas keys and options
at: https://github.com/dlindahl/omniauth-cas
                                                # if your server does not
return an email address, you can add one
                                                # here using the
fetch_raw_info option.
                                                #fetch_raw_info: ->(s, o,
t, user_info) {  { email: "#{user_info['user']}@ivory-tower.edu" } }

Ludwig Possié
Systems Admin
Stewart Library
Weber State University
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