[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Creating a report with selection parameters other than dates

Neal Fitzgerald nfitzgerald at slv.vic.gov.au
Sun Mar 20 23:52:42 EDT 2022

Hi All

I am trying to create a report that uses the resource.id as a parameter to output a list of associated archival_objects and specific metadata from various related tables for a metadata transfer to another library system.  The new 3.2.0 custom report feature does not fit our purposes.

The instructions at https://archivesspace.github.io/tech-docs/customization/reports.html are unhelpfully brief. viz:"Implement your own initializer if your report has any parameters." But no details about how to do that exactly.

I have created the custom reports we have so far starting from existing report with similar tables and so on and changing the SQL query.  There are no existing reports that have parameters other than dates, so nothing to copy and paste and tinker with for a new initializer.  My attempts to create my own initializer have not succeeded.  Anything I tried crashed the whole reports selection page, with very cryptic messages in the logs.

Has anyone created an initializer that allows a selection by resource number, ie an integer value or range of integer values?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Neal Fitzgerald

Neal Fitzgerald | Senior Specialist, Library Systems & Digital Preservation | Collection Development & Description
State Library Victoria | 328 Swanston Street | Melbourne VIC 3000
T +61 3 8664 7103 | nfitzgerald at slv.vic.gov.au



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